9. Gideon

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My gaze scanned the room, catching sight of the man I was meeting, sat at a table at the back of the club. I scowled, thinking about all the trouble I was in because of him, rechecking the room, for the next ten minutes, as he waited, to make sure no-one was watching him, well us, before making my way towards him.

"You're late" he snapped as I slid into the seat opposite him.

"I'm cautious" I snapped back, noticing how strained he seemed, his usual sharpness, dull around the edges.

"I need that last package back" he said, looking around nervously and I felt my own tension rise.


"It's been tampered with, I need to fix it before it gets delivered" he growls angrily.

"Its too late, it's already been sent, it went out on Saturday" I told him and he paled.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck" his hands rake through his hair as he curses. "We have to get it back, or we are dead"

"I can't, the only one who could access it is Paris and I can't get hold of her" I snap and he recoils from me.

"Paris Kingswood was in a vehicle accident yesterday, she is alive but very badly injured..." he starts but I cut him off.

"Who did it, was it you... That wasn't the deal, she wasn't to get hurt, if you..." I grate, my heart racing, "Where is she, which hospital?"

"I don't know, she was moved, to a specialist clinic" he tells me, his eyes again scanning the room nervously.

"Whats going on, who are you looking for?"

"Listen, get out and hide, if that package reaches its destination, then we are all fucked" he snaps, pushing back his chair and rushing for the door, leaving the feeling of panic behind him. How had it come to this, I had done a favour for a friend, who held a marker at the club, just pass a package on for them and ask no questions, when had it spiralled to this. Paris, now Paris was hurt and was it my fault, I had used her connections and resources to help keep me out of trouble each time the favour had been called, again and again and now, she had asked me what was going on, she had seen something and not brought my story and I had promised her no more but then I had been called on again and now... shit what a mess.

Feeling the prickle of eyes watching me and not knowing who, I looked around carefully, not noticing anything out of the ordinary, but still spooked, so I waited for the next group to pass and slid from my seat, blending in with them and slipping up the corridor to the rear exit and out into the night.

I knew Paris had her family behind her, they had the resources to keep her safe, she would be okay, but I had no-one that powerful. I needed to take care of myself and get out of here.

Possessive: In Plain Sight (Kingswood Saga Book 6) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now