1. Noah

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"Thank you gentlemen, that's all for today... Knox and Noah, stay please"

I watched everyone else starts to file out of the boardroom, staying in my seat and waiting to hear what my great uncle and boss wanted now.  I didn't think I had pissed anyone off lately and a quick glance at my father didn't give anything away.  Maybe it was personal rather than work.  I saw the smirk from some of my colleagues who were obviously thinking the worst, silly fools, even at my worst they were no match for me or my brothers, and miles away from our father league.

As the door closed behind the last person, Uncle waved his hand at us both "My office, we may as well be comfortable" he suggests and we both rise to follow him through the connecting door.

"Sit" he instructs before dropping into his chair behind his desk.

"Sir..." Dad starts but Uncle huffs at him.

"Knock it off Knox, I get enough of that" Uncle grumbles and Dad laughs.

"Uncle, what's going on.  Is Noah in trouble?" Dad asks and I sit up straighter in my chair.

"God no, and if he was, it would just be him in here, damn boy's big enough to fight his own battles" Uncle growls back, causing us to laugh.  "No, the reason you are here is because of a rumour that has reached me concerning Paris Kingswood"

"What about Paris?" I question sitting forward now.

"It infers she has got herself mixed up with some dangerous people and is feeding them secrets and acting as contact for moving information" Uncle explains.

"Not a chance!" I state firmly, knowing the girl I know, would never do that. "The rumours  are rubbish, she would never..." I trail off as Uncle raises his hand to stop me.

"Calm down boy, I agree with you.  My gut is telling me she's innocent, but with the links the Kingswood family has to ours, I want you to investigate, where and how these rumours have come about"

"What do you have so far?" Dad asked him and Uncle passed across a file. I watched as Dad looked through it, itching to get my hands on it, wanting to see the evidence.

"Noah?" Uncle prompted and I looked at him questioningly.  "I want you to get close to Paris and see if you can find anything out, see anything out of the ordinary, this is your investigation and you report back to either Knox or myself, is that clear?"

"Yes Uncle" I reply and fidget in my seat at his words as I think about getting close to the beautiful but flighty Paris Kingswood.

"Any suggestions on how I 'get close' to her?" I ask him and Uncle chuckles before shaking his head.

"No, but i'm sure you will manage" he tells me.

"Bloody Russians!" Dad mutters from next to me, his gaze locked on Uncle. "And if he needs back up?" Dad asks.

"Done, and no limits to what he needs but choose what you share carefully, I suspect someone within the organisation is doing what Ms Kingswood has been accused of, but until we find out more, I have no proof" Uncle tells him.

"Damn" Dad mutters passing me the file.

I read through it, tuning out the others as they talk about Mom and her latest escapade.  My blood rising as I read the information gathered so far and look over the pictures, showing Paris at various locations, looking glamorous and always surrounded by men, usually accompanied by her friend Gideon something, I had met him at Amalie's wedding and not liked him, too lazy and self serving.

I flipped over the last photo and paused, looking down at the girl, sat on a bench, looking nervous, her face free of make up as she sat there. Paris stripped bare and my gut tightened before I shut the file.

"Is there a time limit?" I ask and Uncle nods.

"We need to get onto this as soon as possible, at the moment I am investigating quietly but if something comes out then she will be a target and we may lose the real thief.  Not to mention with her family connections this would be all over the press and that we don't need"

"Yes Uncle" I get up and keep a firm grip on the file.  "I will get started and keep you updated" I tell them leaving the room.

Knox looks at Uncle across the desk as the door shuts behind Noah "I hope you are right about this old man"

Uncle smiles back at him "I was right about you and August, wasn't I, the boys need to settle down, but with a mother like August they are going to need a strong female to keep them in line, I know the Kingswood family and I know that there is no way Paris is doing what she has been accused off.  I also know that if anyone is perfect to help her its Noah... and possibly Talon and Elijah, you never know.  Now get out of my office before I call your wife" he laughs as Knox leaves shaking his head at him.

Possessive: In Plain Sight (Kingswood Saga Book 6) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now