15. Knox

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Kade called me from the car "Its on" he said and hung up. I turned to my brother and nodded, the eyes of the arrogant but frightened man at the table following my moves as I crossed towards him, turning the laptop screen to face him, the outside of the fake safe house showing, the data showing the security sensors

"This is where the traitor believes you to be" I tell him clearly and he winces before lying to me.

"I don't have a clue what you want or what's going on. Who are you people?"

Kier laughs at him. "Gideon,  Don't be stupid, we are not going to hurt you, but we know what's going on, don't you want this to be over, when I found you, you were running scared.  You know they want you dead, you are a loose end, you just need to tell us everything you know"

I sit down opposite him, his gaze is still on the screen till I say. "Like they tried to kill Paris" then his gaze is on mine and I can see the indecision there.

"Its not my fault" he says dropping his gaze.

"It is your fault, you got her into trouble and she paid the price without even realising someone wanted her dead" I told him bluntly.

"She'll be okay, her family will look after her, they have connections" he mutters and I want to smack him, unable to accept the selfish little twerp cared so little.

"Yes, you are right, they have connections, ones that you could have seriously damaged with your stupidity, putting more than just Paris at risk but her whole family" Kier tells him.

Gideon looks between us "You know them, i've seen you at the house" he realises but the conversation is halted by the view on the screen in front of us, the sensors have picked up movement outside, the cameras now panning to find the intruder.

Gideon's gasp at the sight of the large man, inching his way around the back of the building a gun in his hand "Ivan" he said his hands resining shakily to his head, rubbing his eyes as he stares at the screen.

"Tell us what you know Gideon, who was your contact? what were you sending out?, how did they get you involved?, why use Paris for this?" Kier and I kept firing the questions at him but he stayed silent till the sound of gunfire echoed in the room, through the laptop speakers. Then he told us everything.

I smiled across the table at Kier, we had everything we needed from Gideon and as his head was done on the table as he sobbed in fear, Kier injected him with a sedative, knocking him out until the clean up crew could come and take him away.

I picked up the phone "Uncle, we have his confession and statement recorded, i've sent it through" I confirmed and he informed me that Kade was on his way to us and he would meet us at home.  

Vaughn had been arrested and Ivan Popov killed in the attack, all our agents were safe, now we just had to tie up a few loose ends and we could bring the boys home.

Possessive: In Plain Sight (Kingswood Saga Book 6) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now