24. Epilogue - Part Two

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"I vote we kidnap her again" Noah offers from his position behind the desk.
"Jesus Noah, they would lynch us" Eli laughed at his suggestion.
"At least we would be able to keep her safe and stop her rushing around, I swear she has been more places than all of us this month" Noah mutters determinedly.

Knock Knock.
We look at the door and see Mom standing there watching us, looking amused.
"Hey mom, Paris isn't back yet" I warn her, knowing she has come over to talk baby with our wife.
"So I heard" she laughs, coming in and dropping into a seat opposite the desk.

I exchange a look with my brothers, maybe Mom could help us, talk to Paris, get her to slow down. "Mom, how did you do it, and how can we slow her down?" I ask slowly, watching her expression soften as she takes in our worried faces.

"I knew your fathers loved me, so for all our peace of mind, I stayed out of their way and did my what I needed too to keep them sane, they were so protective and it drove me nuts, always trying to keep me in bed or resting.   I could have brained them but I knew they loved me and that's where it was coming from.  It was a struggle but I knew my body and in the last trimester I felt as if I could conquer the world but I also knew when I needed to rest.  My boys, You need to trust in Paris, be there to give her support when she wants it, she won't do anything to put the babies at risk and she knows you love her and are there to help.  It won't be long now before she slows down, so my advice is don't force it, let her decide, she's getting everything into place so she can step away and be a mom."

"So no kidnapping and hiding her away" Noah jokes and Mom shakes her head.
"Best not to, Paris would probably forgive you but her family might not" she warns, as we hear the front door open.  Eli is out the door first, reaching Paris side and taking the bags from her, as he checks her over, before hugging her gently. I watch as she leans into his hug, her face serene as he fusses around her and I smile to myself, so much had happened so quickly, but it felt natural, Paris was ours and we were hers. My eyes roamed over her baby bump, so prominent now, not only because she had reached the third trimester but because she was carrying triplets, our babies.

A week later ...... 

The doctor smiled at me, before looking at my husbands, "Well everything is going as planned, all three babies are developing well. now did you want to know the gender or are you still waiting?" she asked and I looked at them, we had discussed finding out but they were convinced it wasn't necessary as both families only had boys in triplets, but I kept feeling like they were all girls.

"Yes, we want to know" I told the doctor and she nodded, moving the wand around before clicking, "Okay, Baby 1" she indicated on the screen and we watched entranced "Is a girl" she says and I feel Noah's hand tighten on mine in shock.

"Baby two" she clicked around for a little while trying to get the best angel "ahh, here we go, another girl" I grinned up at my husbands who were watching with shocked looks. "Baby three... Girl.  Congratulations you are having three girls" she tells us and I laugh as I thank her, letting her back away as Eli moves to wipe the gel off my stomach, his head dropping so he can kiss my tight bump before he covers me up.

"Baby, what, how..." I grin up at Noah who seems shocked as he moans. "Three Girls" he shakes his head, "How can we cope with three girls, we need security, locks, oh my god.  what happened, all the triplets have been boys before"

"It won't be that bad" I laugh, thinking ahead to how protective they are going to be.

"We could home school them" Noah muses and I watch as my husbands plan crazy ways to keep our girls safe when they arrive, each of them offering suggestions to each other, but I tune them out content to let them plan, knowing they only do it because they love us.

Three weeks later ......

I am sat in the sun room,  Noah and Talon are both home but working, trying to clear their desks before the babies come.  I rest my hand on my stomach and hope they are nearly done as another contraction starts, looking at my watch I smile 10 minutes apart.  We had had a couple of false alarms but I knew this time it was the real thing, grabbing my phone I sent a message to Mom and Teddy before calling for my men.

"Its time" I told Talon when he appeared at my side and I grinned at the look of panic on his face.


I nodded and he shouts for Noah to call Eli before looking down at me with love, his hand taking mine.

"You'll be a wonderful Mommy" he told me and I smiled, we had been practising with our nieces and nephew, but I couldn't wait to greet our own children.

Another contraction came and I gripped his hand as I breathed through it, then froze as I felt liquid gush between my legs.

"Tal... my waters just broke" I whispered, nerves, fear and anticipation warring.

"Shit!, okay, we practiced, we can do this, can you stand, do you want me to carry you, what..." he started to rush out and I laughed as Noah appeared

"We're having our babies" I tell him tearfully as I laugh and I can hear other feet rushing towards us.

"Baby?" Eli appeared next to Noah and Talon.

"Her waters just broke" Tal tells them and after the first look of panic Eli takes over, directing Noah to get my bag and Talon the car, as Eli lifts me carefully into his arms and carries me outside.

"Mom?' he asks.

"I sent them message already" I smile as he carefully puts me into the car.

It was an uncomfortable journey but quick, our families already there when we get to the hospital to support us and as I am rushed into the delivery room, I feel the love and marvel again at the wonderful families I am part of.

Three hours later and we welcome Eliana, Norah and Tatum and I smile as I see each of them in their daddy's arms. Love shining brightly from their teary eyes. My big macho men already wrapped around the tiny little bundles in their arms.

The End.

Possessive: In Plain Sight (Kingswood Saga Book 6) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now