Part 8

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Garrett's POV.

I heard Mavericks Plan about kidnapping the SSDT so I'm going to do something about this first things first I need to make sure that I don't get kidnaped first, next I need to think about a plan, but I don't work with the SSDT but I do see them as a family especially my big bro Drift. First things first though he is going to strike the leader of the team John Wick tonight , and I need a plan ASAP , but should I tell john or not.......

"See you guys are probably wondering just tell john so he don't have to be kidnapped , but where's the fun , and the suspense, and the chills right...."

I went to get a trap ready and told John to stay in the room for now until I tell him to come out.....

"Annnnd another thing if u guys think John can defend himself your wrong cause I put it to where he can't fight back cause he is severely injured and he has stomach wombs that's patched up with bandages hehehe suffer... anyways back to the story........

I told everyone that John is getting kidnapped tonight and telling them to be aware by their surroundings, I told Drift especially this...

Garrett: " Drift listen Maverick is coming to you any day so no matter where you go make sure you have someone like your girlfriend Calamity got it?"

Drift: " Got it Garrett thanks for letting me know lil bro!"

Garrett: "hehe anytime big bro."

* Then everyone is freaking out *

Drift: " Why is everyone losing it today can someone please explain to me??"

Calamity: " Babe look they got John ok and now we don't know where's he at!"

Drift: " But I thought you guys wer-."


* Everyone became silent after what brite said to drift *

Carbide: " Brite let me have a talk with you outside please and thank you."

Brite was so scared cause she new she was gonna get punished ,but it was worse she got kicked off the team for permanent!! Brite started to pack her stuff but she waited till she went out of the HQ to ball her eyes out cause she knew for a damn fact she messed up....

Carbide: "Anymore volunteers?" * He tries to act sarcastic *

* John finally wakes up and looks all around *

John: * Yawns and tries to speak * " What in the world is all the ruckus down here can't you see I'm trying to sleep here" 

Drift: "Sorry Mr.Wick we was just planning a attack sir"

John: "Really.... Who's the villain this time Drift?"

Drift: "Well it-."

* Calamity bardges in drifts sentence *

Calamity: "It's my cousin Maverick mr.wick sir he's planning to attack everyone of what Garrett has said, here was the order

1. John Wick

2. Raptor

3. Carbide

4. Brite Bomber

And last but not least and I hated it so much but it's......


Everyone was in shocked about what was happening except for John cause he was half awake but more half asleep. Everyone started to plan their attack for maverick, but little did they know maverick was listening from outside the kitchen window listening over ,and over ,and ,over the plans we're going in it's head and all there little plans were a big puzzle piece, luckily for maverick he finished the puzzle in the matter of seconds....

Maverick: " Are you ready for this cause I'm not sure if they will like you working on my team."

Dark/Brite: * Says in a dark tone * " I was born ready......."

They both slowly went below the window and snuck off and headed back to their lair...

* At the Lair *

Maverick was pacing back and forth across the laboratory while Dark Bomber was sitting there looking at him kinda weirded out....

Dark: " You know you look like a nerd walking around like that."

Maverick: " Really this is not the time I'm trying to think of a plan or us to kill John wick for good but I can't think of anything!"

Dark: " Maybe try his soft spots I know all of them."

Maverick: " Really oh please tell me please I need to kidnap him!"

Dark: " I will tell you on one condition"

Maverick: " What is it I will do anything for me to know what is it"

Dark: " The only way for me to spills is to love me mavi poo❤️!"

Maverick: " Oh we are playing like that huh ok let me take you up in the private area baby."

Dark: " Lead the way daddy!"

They both went upstairs and made love ( yeah I'm skipping it to 1 hour later hehehehehe) 

* 1 hour later both of them laying in bed *

Maverick: " 2 things..."

Dark: " What are these two things?"

Maverick: " One what are we?"

Dark: " True love sweetie"

* Dark Bomber  leans in for the kiss and maverick follows along

Maverick: " Two what are his soft spots?"

Dark: " Well one of them is the one who he feels and his girlfriend that is all you need for babe."

Maverick: " We will see bout that babe we will see about that......"

Phew we that's a good and I think a long ass chapter I really hope you guys like it and also me and Calamity are official yaaaaaay

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