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The day that Charlie was born was a new beginning. Leah adored him all day and all night no matter how much he cried. Alec adored him for all of four hours before he started to cry. Even though the first month of Charlie being born was nothing but crying, Leah was very patient with him. Alec tried the best he could but every time he tried to hold or console Charlie, he would just start crying even more. The only person able to hold Charlie for long periods of time was Leah. Even though it frustrated Alec a little bit, he still kept calm.

Being a parent is a life-changing event. When you finally find your life partner and decide to settle down and start a family; it's a new beginning.

There is the good, the bad, and the ugly.

Like when Charlie took his first steps. Which eventually progresses into Alec chasing Charlie around the house like a mad man trying to put his diaper on.

Or when Charlie had to get stitches on his forehead, and when he said his first curse words because of Alec.

You can imagine how proud Leah was when he said mom first.

It was around when he was seven months old. He was still young, but Alec and Leah's children would all develop physically and mentally faster.

Alec was at a pack and business meeting early that morning, so Leah was watching him home alone. She had to use the bathroom so she put Charlie in a pack n' play.

As sneaky as Charlie was, he crawled out of the pack n' play and began to get into trouble.

Leah found her little mischievous seven-month-old baby finger painting on the walls with his own poop. As disgusted as Leah was, Charlie felt her presence and turned around with an innocent smile on his face like an angel.

"Mommy," Charlie softly said and pointed at her. Leah grabbed her naked baby and held him at arm's length, leaving the diaper on the floor for now, and carried him to the bathroom.

"Daddy is so lucky he's not here or he'd be doing this." She chuckled to herself at the thought of Alec complaining.

After Leah was done cleaning the baby, she cleaned the walls with bleach and threw away the dirty diaper.


Jealousy and anger are troubling emotions that any child possesses, and that makes parenting difficult. Charlie was only a year and eight months old when Alec and Leah had their second child.

A baby girl that had blonde hair like Leah with brown eyes. Alec named her Jade. Jade was Alec's first baby girl. His pride and joy. Truth was that out of all his children, her eyes- that resembled his own- could get her anything she wanted from her daddy. He was in trouble because most times when she would look at him, he couldn't say no.

The same day that Jade was born was a great impact on Charlie too.

Charlie cried for three days periodically after she was born, but he wouldn't say why. Eventually, he broke down crying into his mother's arms.

"You're gonna love her more than me." He let out the biggest cry as tears poured down his face. His precious brown eyes seemed to brighten more as his cheeks reddened. His medium-length brown hair was messy by running his hand through it so many times, he had been thinking about this all day.

Leah consoled Charlie and held him in her arms, rubbing his back to help stop him from hyperventilating. When he calmed down a little, Leah preceded to tell him, "Charlie, I love you both the same. Nothing is going to ever change that. You're very special to me." She said.

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