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                                                     Started: November 11, 2019

                                                    Finished: ****

Hi, this is my first story ever, please don't judge, I already know it's not going to be good, or well, I hope it's good and I hope that you, reader that is reading this, think is good.

Let's start with the charaters shall we?


Name: Y/N

Age: 17

Hobbies: listening to music and coloring

Likes: Watching movies

Dislikes: doble sided peolple

Allergies: mustard

You were born in canada but both of you're parents are from korea. You moved to Seul when you were only two years old. You're parents divorced when you were 7 and from then you became more self focused , you have one older sister and one older brother, your sister has 22 years old and your brother 25. You're dad disappeared and you're siblings left you and you're mom alone in Seul and went to live in NY. You haven't talk to them since.

You study in a regular high shool and you work in a cafe. You're life was pretty normla until something monumental happened to you last week. You're mom was sick since you turned 11, they found out that she had cancer, and she died. It was a normal day, you were in school, and when you got home you didn't notice you're mom and felt the place too quiet, you searched for her all over the house until you found her. She was passed out in the garden. You called  911 and she was rushed to the nearest hospital. You waited for weeks for her to wake up, but unlukly she didn't. That was the worst day of you're life. You have had a talk with her in the mornign the day she passed out and you always remember one sentence she told you.                                                         ¨you saw our family break, the ones who used to love, care and worrie for eachother, if you find or have already found someone that is that special to you, that takes care of you and loves you, please, hold them tight and never let them go¨ was the last sentence I heard from her.


Name: Jeon Jungkook

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Name: Jeon Jungkook

Age: 18

Hobbies: Hanging out with friends and listening to music

Likes: cuddles

Dislikes: moving

Allergies: none

Has a girlfriend named Jin-joo, only has his dad becouse his mom left them when he was born. struggles in school and hates math.


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