Chapter 4

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Hi readers, I just want to say sorry for all the mistakes on the last chapters, I didn't notice them, and also for posting like every, now you can keep reading

It makes me happy seeing him thinking about the future and moving on, but the only thing that was a little sad is that he imagines us being friends, just friends, and nothing more. I guess that is what he wants and that is what he hopes for.


                                                                       (arrived at the parking lot)

"oh hey, if you want you can wait for me here and I will go get my car" Jungkook proposed nicely

"o-oh, okey.....but please hurry up cause I'm very cold" I replied whining and pouting, Jungkook chuckled and went to get his car.

While I was waiting I thought what car did he had. If it was a little car, and old one, a big one, a new and modern one, or just a regular car. and well that was not the case. It definitely wasn't a regular one, nor big or small, it was a medium sized car, and it looks very modern, but it was a very weird car. Why am I saying this...., because it had spray paint all over the car, it had names, drawing and just regular symbols. I tried to see what names were they but I only could focus on one well...they were two.

                                              "JUNGKOOK AND JIN-JOO 4EVER "

I wondered when did that all happened and why but while I was lost in my thoughts Jungkook pushed the honk and scared me. "HEY!! YOU SCARED THE CRAP OT OF ME JEON JUNGKOOK" "HAHAHA sorry Y/N, I didn't thought that you were so distracted" and he giggles. I got in the car and he started driving to my place.


Hey, I know this story is not going anywhere, I really was excited for this, please tell me if I should keep going. I already have a lot of ideas, but I don't  know how to develop them.
Anyway, sorry for something that doesn't ever seem like a chapter, and please, again, if you think I should just end it tell me.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 26, 2020 ⏰

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