Chapter 1

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It has been two weeks since my mom passed away. I could not afford our house with the job that I have so I made a garage sale and selled all the things that I didn't need, but I still could not afford it. I had to sell the house, it was very sad. The good thing is that I bought an apartment that I could afford.

I'm about to finish packing my room. Tomorrow is the day I get out of this house, this drawer of memories, good things and bad are staying here, but it is what it is, I don't have the money and there is nothing I could do about it.

While packing the final things in my room I found a album. It was full of dust so I couldn't see what was all of it about. I opened the first page and it was a picture of my mom and dad's wedding, so the album was a family album. I could not remember the last time I had seen it. All the photos were when me and my siblings were babies, for an instant it felt like I once had a family, like I had people that wait for me at home, that text me if I slept good, if I needed something, people that loved me. I was begining to tear up and getting way to cought up in that nonsense, in something that wasn't real, that has never been.

A text message interrumpted my daydreaming. It said that is was late for work!!! *shoot, I forgot* I got up and put away the album, changed and got ready for work. I got out of the house and went to the bus station. The bus that I was supposted to get was taking way too long and it finally arrived within 20 minutes of me waiting. Once I was seated I send a message to my coworker that I was on my way. I arived 40 min later. There was too much traffic and the bus stopped in every corner.

When I was at my job i rushed and went to the back entrance, put away all my stuff in my locker, put on my apreon and began to work. The time was 5:55 and my shift ends at 10:00. Today is the day that I have to work the most, and lucky for me, I'm all alone from 8 to 10 and usually no one comes at that time,so I have time to do school work. I spend my time making coffe, serving cakes and muffins and being at the cashier, it wasn't alot of work as usally.

It was 8:35, my '' time to relax or do school work''. I began doing my work, no one was coming so I dicided to put my headphones on and focus more in my science work. An hour passed and well......I got too focused. I saw a girl and a guy trying to get my attention and I got up inmediatly. When I saw there faces I already knew who they were. Jeon Junkook and Jin-joo his girfriend. They have dated for the past 3 years. They come here everyday and they are the perfect couple. They both have their charms and good looks. We study in the same school and he never had noticed me. He doesn't know that I excist or maybe he does, but as tha cafe girl or cafe worker.

Jungkook's POV

My and Jin-joo came to the cafe, the same cafe were we met and were our story began. We came here becouse se wanted to talk to me about something important. We enter and it's totaly empty, we see one worker and it seems that she is focused on something and that is definetly not her work. I tap on the counter trying to get her attention and nothing. I yelled at her and nothing, then I wave my arms in the air and at last she notices me, thank god.

''Finally, some attention''says Jin-joo sounding annoyed

''sorry, I was to cought up in my-

''You don't need to tell us about you're personal life worker, just take our order, that is what you are paid for right?'' interrupts my girlfriend

''yeez, calm down.....'' said the worker, who's name I did not know

'' Don't tell me to calm down poor person'' replaid Jin-joo

'', let's order our drinks and seat down, okey?'' I ask my girlfriend hoping he answer is yes.

''okey...sooo, a plain black coffe and...what do you want?'' ask's my girlfriend

''ummm, i'll have a caramel frapuchino please'' I tell the worker

''finally, some manners'' the worker murrmurs under her breath

I turn around to see if Jin-joo had heard and luckly she did not

''thank you'' i say and leave with my girlfriend to seat in a table for two

''sooo, baby. what did you wanna talk about?''

''ohh, yes, that....well, remeber that i wanted to study abroad in London? well, I got in the univercity that I wanted!!''

''OMG, baby, congratulations!!!!, wait......when are you leaving?...'' I ask her scared of what her answer might be

''that is what I wanted to tell you....I'm leaving tomorrow so we need to break up'' said Jin-joo very confident

wha-wh-what?? How could she do this to me!!!! She knows I love her, what am I going to do withou her?!?!?

suddently the worker come with our drinks and put them down in the table

''so, yeah, we're done, thak you for everything and I guess see you never'' Jin-joo said while takeing her drink with her and getting out of the cafe without saying another word.

And in the same cafe our story began, it ended.

I stayed there, frozen, without moving, blinking or even breathing. It all happened way too fast and I could not procces it in such a short amount of time. I was too shocked to speak. to run for her, to do anything.


sorry for the short chapter. I'll try to make them longer.

if you have suggetions leave a comment or write me in my personal.

wish u a good day or good night.

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