Chapter 3

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''oh nothing, let's go to class'' I said as if nothing went passed my head. As if no other thought went thru my head. Only class, only detention, no relationship, no connection, no Jungkook and I and no US.


We went to class, and today we had all of our classes together wich was a good thing, I like being around of him. All the classes passed by pretty fast, and we ended talking in everyone, I helped him with math which was our last class. We decided I was going to tutor him every wednsday and friday. Those are the days we have math as the last class.

''so, wednsday and friday at my apartment at 5:00?'' I asked him

''um yeah, if that works for you'' Jungkook said

''so yeah, um do you want to go now''

''haha, you're funny, tell me first" I  looked at him slightly confused "don't you remeber?'' Jungkook asked.

"Haha.....ummm no?...." jungkook sighted and rolled his eyes " told me yesterday that you would tell me you're name today...soooo...what's you're name friend?" I remembered, but it cute that my name was friend for this hours, but well, I guess I have to tell him, and also, it would be kinda weird that I already have a nickname for him, my nickname is friend and basically my name, and he is coming to my apartment and he still doesn't know my name so guess the answer is to tell him

" okey, let me have a proper introduction" so I took a few step back and began walking to his direction. He was super confused and puzzled, it was so cute. When I was a step for him I began introducing myself.

"Hello, my name is Y/N and I'm 17 years old, I like to listen to music, coloring mandalas and watching movies. I have a big allergy to mustard so please don't try to poison me, thank you and that is what I'm going to tell you for now and if you want to know more about me then get to know me more" I told him like it was the very first time we met and jungkook was jungshook, he didn't expect all the information but he played along.

"Nice to meet you Y/N I'm Jeon jungkook and you can call me kookie, I'm 18 years old, I like hanging out with friends listening to music, and I love cuddles. I absolutely hate moving which is ironic because I like to pack, and I don't have allergies because I'm JK"

We stayed there for a few seconds and then we laughed, we were in the middle of school and we looked like crazy people "nice to know some thing about you and now, we may go" jungkook began walking to his locker so I just followed him. He took his math stuff and put some other papers in his locker and closed it. The we both started walking to my locker and I did pretty much the same and then we were both ready to leave. We started walking in the hallways until we had reached the exit. I began waking to the bus station but then I felt a warmth in my hand, and I was jungkook's hand
"Umm, can we go first to the store? I would like to buy snacks and stuff so that it's more fun...but only if that's okey"
"Yes, let's go, we have all of the time in the world" I told him and after my response a smile was appearing in his face and it had sticked in his face during the walk to the store.
                *you guys have arrived the store after a walk that was ver calming and full of comfortable silence*

"So what type of snacks are you looking for exactly?" I asked kookie and he was still walking to the aisles like I haven't asked him anything yet so I began asking him the same question " umm, what are you looki-" but I was interrupted by his voice in practically a scream " HERE!!" And he began walking and braving random stuff that were in the shelves.
"Umm, are you taking all sweets?" I asked him concerned "well, that was my idea... do you prefer sour gummies or sweet?" He asked me all of a sudden. " sour" I told him and he responded very excitedly " I like sour too" then he began walking to the chips aisle and selected a bunch of different brands and flavored, which most of the I haven't tried. He went and grabbed some drinks and was headed to the cashier. I was so surprised about the amount of stuff that he had picked, like it was snacks, beverages and candy for like two months so I was very confused, when he finished paying he was heading to the exit but then tourney around. " umm, can you help me? There are like 9 bags and one human right now soo" jungkook asked me " oh yeah, no problem" he gave me four bags and he was left 5.

We exited the store and it was like 3 P.M and the last bus to my address was leaving in about 1 minute or so because the last bus comes at 2:50 and leaves at 3:00 so that the passengers that may be late can have time to get there and don't miss the bus.  "sh*t, we missed the bus" I told him worriedly and expecting a same reaction from him, I was taken back a surprise that was very reliving. " oh don't worry, my car is only a few blocks from here" Turns out that jungkook was not in a hurry because he was sure that we would have transportation, which is true, thank god.
" you're serious? omg thank god" I sighted and smiled. " haha yes, so let's get going, I don't want to be that late for practice and studying math, okey?" "Yes, let's go"

While we were waking we talked about our life's, be told me that his relationship with Jin-joo was very difficult, that they only could see each other on weekends and maybe some weekdays. Jungkook was suspecting that Jin-joo was cheating in him because she was the one that made excuses when he proposed to hang out or go on dates, guess we will never know. He also thinks that he is going to study abroad but not in somewhere near London or Europe, he said that he wants Canada ir the states which is a very exciting thing for me because I a,so wants to study abroad and my actions are Scotland or Canada. When I told him about this he was very excited and he began telling me how could our live be if we were fiends and we went to the same place tu study abroad and we were roommates and everything. It makes me happy seeing him thing about the future and moving on, but the only thing that was a little sad that he imagined us being friends, but nothing more, I guess that is what he wants and that is what's he hopes for.


Another short chapter, sorry :(
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