Chapter 2

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I stayed there, frozen, without moving, blinking or even breathing. It all happened way too fast and I could not procces it in such a short amoun of time. I was too shocked to speak, to run for her, to do anything.



''that is what I wanted to tell you......I'm leaving tomorrow so we need to break up''  said Jin-joo with out doubt.

It was very akward for me. I was in the middle of a break up, THE break up. I could not beleve it, and it seemed that jungkook was as shocked as me. He stayed there, without saying a word. The drinks were ready and I put them on the table and went behind the counter as fast as I could but not showing it.

Jin-joo took the drink and left. The cafe was silent, too much and the akwardness felt in the air. Nobody said anything, it was to shocking to talk. I could see that jungkook was hurt and devastated but I could only do one thing.

''ummm, are you okey? I know it's not the best question but are you?'' I asked him

''uhhh, I think so, I'm just really confused, we were a perfect couple. We never fought, we cared for each other and I  loved her and she loved me. Did I do something wrong?''jungkook asked me showing that he was worried.

''well...i really don't know you soo--'' i began saying

'' you are right, why am I telling you my problems, we are total stragers o well, i must be a total strager to you, if you didn't know we study in the same school, I've notice you in the hallways and we have most of the classes together, but that is not the main focus....just....., i'm sorry for bringing up my problems and well, yeah....sorry'' jungkook interrumpted and began leaving with his drink.

''umm..well, you don't have to leave and be sorry, you did nothing wrong and i asked you, and it's okey if you want to talk, I have the night free, or well, in 20 minutes I have to go because we close at 10, but if you want we can talk for that time. Nobody comes this late soo, yeah...oh, and yes, i know we study in the same school, it's impossible to avoid came out wrong.....i didn't mean avoid you I just-''

''hahaha, it's okey, I undertand'' jungkook responded sitting back in the chair he was.

''haha, good, and I know we have the classes together, you are pretty active in all of them....well, except math, why's that?'' i asked him

''well, I hate math, I thingk it's too complicated and i'm not good at it, never had and never will be good at it, not like you, you are the best student at math in the school!!!'' jungkook told me

I felt my face growing hot and i knew that I was blushing, I didn't knew why, we weren't even friends, we were basically strangers talking. The minutes passed and we just kept talking, it felt like we meet years ago, the way we talked, so chill, we cold stay there and talk for hours, with out complains and telling eachother about our lives. I told him about my mom, my dad and my siblings and the situation that I was in. It was hard for me to tell him that, but something told me that he would keep it and he was trustworthy. Actually, he is in something complicated too. His mom left them him and his dad when he was born, they don't know were she is and don't care.

It was time to go and him and I got out of the cafe, all the tables and chairs were packed up, all the food and drinks and even the cups and plates.

''so, it's pretty late and we have school tomorrow, so I'm gonna get going'' I told jungkook

''uh, yeah sure....well, thanks''

''for what?'' I asked him confused turning around to face him.

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