Chapter 3: investigation continues

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"Sir, I'm going to have to ask you to come with us to ask you a few questions about what's happened this evening." A stern copper canoe beside me. "Or we can arrest you now. We need your full cooperation." He continued.

"I want to go with my daughter please can we not do this another time" I pleaded with him to allow me to see my daughter.
"You need to come and answer a few questions first and then someone will take you to see your daughter I know it's been a traumatic evening tonight but the quicker I talk to you the faster our investigation is and you can see your daughter and get justice."
A small nod he had convinced me well I didn't really have a house Everleigh needed me and I needed justice for my family.

The back of the police car gave me time to think. I'm never going to hear my wife or sons voice again never going to see him grow up or even have the chance to expand our family. We're not going to have sit down meals or holidays like we used to no trips or adventures as a family. It was a daunting thought. I tear rolled down my face thinking how scared they were, I should've been there. Everleigh needs me now more than ever I'm now her mummy and daddy and I need to focus on her.

The gates clanged as the police are entered the yard. It was fast paced police leaving with their lights in and drunks waiting to be booked in. Chaotic to say the least.

I was shown through to the main desk where I was asked a series of questions I then was asked if I would like to or need to see a doctor before being interviewed. I refused the longer this lasted the longer it took to get to the hospital. I was made to wait in the interview room and asked if I wanted a lawyer present.
"A lawyer I don't need one of them." Again I refused why did they ask me this why would I need a lawyer.

The questions started.

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