Part 6: The brother

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I sat awake all night watching over Everliegh my head a mess. My thoughts all muddled who would do such a monstrous thing.

"There's a phonecall for you." A nurse popped her head in.
"Why didn't you call me? I've just seen on Facebook! What's happened? Where are you?."
It was my brother. We have always been close like best friends. I always turn to my brother whenever things turn sour or badly.
"Adam! The police have my phone. You know how bad Iam at remembering numbers. I've been with Everliegh. I..." I burst into tears no longer able to speak.
"I'm coming to the hospital don't worry I will be there soon." Adam rushed off the phone.

It's been Adam and I for a long time now. my mum and dad died in a car accident when we were kids. Ever since then Our bond is so strong and unbreakable. I'm lucky to have him.

Whenever things turn sour we are there to support each other no matter what. Last year Adam lost everything his family, divorced, made redundant and custody battle with his 2 children Oscar and Paisley. I was there took him in helped him through his addiction and helped him build a life again. He was so strong and came back from so much I don't think I can.

My life will never be the same again.

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