Chapter 5: reunited

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I hear straight over to the hospital to see my baby girl. After keeping their word the police drove me to the hospital, I finally arrive. My heart was in my throat what was I going in to I had no update was she going to be ok or am I going to be told the dreaded words of "there was nothing more we could do?"

I rush to main reception.
"I'm looking for my daughter Everleigh please tell me she is ok." I was frantic.
"Please calm down sir, we will locate where she is and take you straight to her." She remained calm the started typing in her computer it felt like minutes before she finally told me to follow her.

I walk into a room where there were a lot of people.
"Everleighs dad is here." The receptionist introduced me.
"I'm doctor miles, your daughter is very  lucky she has a punctured lung which we are treating and she remains stable but still very poorly she has been very lucky."

Ha lucky I thought she has lost her mum and big brother she now has to live the rest of her life living off somebody else's memories of her mum and brother. That's a horrible way to have to live.

I walk over to her crib tears streaming down my Cheeks. I hold her limp hand her precious body resting after such a traumatic experience. I'm glad she won't remember any of it. Her mother and brother big parts of her life to be taken so soon.

Images flashed in my head. What did they go through? What did they have to endure in their last moments? Was it painful? They must have been terrified I should of been there to protect them. I need to put my life into protecting my baby girl.

After a while Everliegh opens her eyes she looks around the room then immediately locks her eyes onto mine. The best thing ever I could finally see she was ok for myself. She gives a little grin, I know probably wind but it made me feel better.

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