Chapter 5

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Zim started to talk to [M/N] three days later, though it was more like Zim went into [M/N]'s bed when the Irken was sleeping. [M/N] guessed he was forgiven from that gesture.

" Zim. Are you almost done with your homework?" [M/N] asked as he kept checking on the pie that was baking. One for home and the other for his job, Professor Membrane would be late so he had to be there one more hour. " ZIM?"

" YES! Zim is almost finished, " [M/N] could hear Zim type furiously against the laptop, something that [M/N] had bought a day ago. He needed it to do some research studies on more human interactions and such, doing his own little research like he did when he was an explorer. He enjoyed a little website that plays many videos and even learn how to cook some human food for Gaz and Dib.

The more time he spends with the two, the more that he began to know them slowly. He knew Dib loved the paranormal and wishes to pursue a career in that field as an investigator. [M/N] knew that Dib's favorite color is blue and black, the male preteen also liked pineapple on his pizza, loved reading mystery novels, actually enjoys the outside but hardly has time. Though, he can tell Dib was enemies with someone or he fancied someone since he heard Dib once or twice rant to Gaz about someone at school. He was such a sweet young man.

Gaz was someone who held herself in such a rough exterior that sometimes scared [M/N] at times. Though, he dotes on the girl as well, providing her with pizza and all the junk food that she wishes. [M/N] knew that she liked the color purple and black, played any game that involved violence and quest, she was allergic to coconut and liked dark coffee. She had no plan yet, though she wanted to do something with video games. He enjoyed her, and even help him on hard levels.

He was starting to love the two little humans.

" Zim has finished this pathetic homework!" [M/N] turns towards Zim and smiles, seeing the essay. " I must go down to the lab and finish my weapo-" Zim coughs into his fist, " I-I mean, my gift for my new friend Keef." Zim smiles innocently. 

" Is that so?" [M/N] turns around and his one brow raised, he had the pie out. " Do you want a piece before you make you way down to the lab?" The taller Irken takes the piece slice and placed it on a blue plate, offering the slice to Zim. " I know you're hungry~" At that moment, [M/N] heard Zim's stomach growl in agreement making the taller Irken smirk.

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