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[M/N] hummed as he walked towards the base, feeling satisfied that he re-marked his territory over Mateo

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[M/N] hummed as he walked towards the base, feeling satisfied that he re-marked his territory over Mateo. His scent and the claw marks he left over his white jacket, not to mention he rubbed himself against Mateo like an Earth car would. Now, whenever that Paulene would be around, she would be very intimidated by his scent. [M/N] hummed, bouncing in his step as he opens the door and smiled, " I'm H-"

[M/N]'s smile vanished and replaced with a look of horror and fear, eyes wide and the smell of berries in the air. The living room is trashed, the curtains ripped up, wires hanging down from the ceiling and sparking. He took a step inside and his hands shaking, he couldn't breath, he wanted to scream in anger and horror. The tv was smashed fully, the couch thrown onto it's side and cushion stuffing was everywhere on the floor as the chair in the corner was broken and claw marks everywhere on the seat. His squeedlyspooch hammer harder against his ribs, his instincts were to run but he couldn't.

" Did someone rob us? What could they want?" [M/N] mutters to himself, his arms wrapped around himself as well as he walked more into the kitchen, and it was just as bad as the living room. Cabinets thrown open, doors missing off the them and claw marks coming down, the fridge was open and everything he had bought was thrown to the ground, dripping on the floor or thrown at the wall. " A hur-" [M/N] took another step and there was a small crack. He glanced down and saw the clock on the floor.

3:52 pm

"" [M/N] stumbled a bit, his mind racing as his PAK figured what the smell was and eyes darted to the trashcan, his blood gone cold. He yanked the top off and shoved himself down the Shute, the smell getting stronger and stronger. He used his PAK legs to get down to the lab faster, the legs stabbing the wall as he began going down faster and faster, his antennas wiggling around as well to direct him to the main scent direction. His mind coming up with the worst case scenarios about what happened. Maybe one of Zim's experiments went haywire and tried to kill him? Maybe a Vortian found the base by accident and he tried to take the base but Zim fought back and hard! Perhaps Zim messed up something upstairs that disturbed the Computer and he came down here bleeding? YES! Something like that must've happened!

[M/N]'s PAK legs skids down the tunnel, stopping him before he could fall to his possible death. [M/N] looked to the seat where Zim would lounge and try to come up with plans that would impressed the Tallest, though his eyes widen in horror as Zim laid there, dead on the panel, his eyes left opened and wide showing his cold and life-less pink pupils. The Invader stared dead at him, and [M/N] stared back. No screaming, no yelling, no anything but himself falling down to his knees in horror. His shoulders shaking, everything around him ringing, his antennas flickering forwards like he was trying to smell or feel any movement from Zim. He was desperate for anything. After a moment, his antennas fell down and his eyes went watery.

The cause of death? PAK removal.

" It didn't have to be this way."

[M/N]'s head snapped upwards to see the chair slowly turn around, there sat Almighty Tallest Red, his legs crossed and on hand in his lap as the other held the dimming pink PAK, [M/N] stared at it as he heaved to the side but nothing came out. His stomach sack had been empty, his body shaking as he saw Red held Zim's PAK. There was deep scratched down Red's face and neck, that would be healed in another hour like nothing ever happened, though the damage on his right antenna would be very permanent. It was bent in an awkward position, it stuck out on his head. Zim must've fought hard, very hard.

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