chapter 69

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@Night (MM)

It was already 11 at night and Sanskar wasn't home yet. Gang?? After what happened at hotel, didn't left coz they wanna be with SwaRagLak when Sanky would come, so that they all could talk, nd so did Rishab... Ap nd Shomi got to know what had happened nd both ladies were upset at Dp nd others for spying nd following him...

They did lecture them all ab8 how much Sanskar had been changed nd had evolve and turned into a young mature responsible man, nd what he did..?? he must have his own reasons… knowing, he was a famous nd successful businessman who have enemies. nd they don't know what he was dealing with nd going through at point… knowing the fact that he was 'dont enter my life' nature man nd keep things to himself specially the harmful nd bad ones.

After a small lecture by both women they realize that 'taking to him nd asking him straight was better then following him' ... All were in living hall when Sanskar came walking up to platform with his jacket in one arm nd phone on other hand talking to sm1 in serious tone, he stopped in steps when found every1 in hall looking tensed nd waiting...

Sanskar: (walking up while talking) alright! I get it... Set the meeting a day after tomorrow (walk to last step nd stop in mid sentence look at hall) nd press confre- (all heard him, they stand nd look at him so did he with frown nd worry that all r still here at this tym) will finalize date in meeting. C u in office Aman... Gd ni8 (cut call nd walk down to hall) whats wrong? Y r u all still here??

Ronny: (sorry voice) actually, we amm… we wanted to….

Rishab: (cuts him nd complete) we stayed back! We wanna talk ab8 what happe-

Sanskar: (understood, in flat tone) there is no need to talk ab8 anytng... (shook head) anyways, (look at Ap nd Shomi with a smile) gd ni8 ladies... (look at Dp with emotionless face) ni8 dad… (Dp gave a soft look, he turn to leave)

Abhi: (stop him) Sanskar?? (he stop but didn't turn) u have every right to be angry and upset but don't walk away like that...

Sanskar: (turn with a red face, angry but controlled voice) and what exactly am i suppose to be 'angry' nd 'upset' ab8?? (mock) at the fact, that my dad?? my brother?? my best friends?? nd my fiancé were following me just bkz they cant contain their curiosity to themselves of knowing ab8 'what i am doing in my life??' , that they saw me at a restaurant with a girl having lunch, they all got so curious that they couldn't trust me?? Nd my dad? He actually thinks, that i am going to betray the only girl all over again that i had ever loved, specially when i lost my mother after the 1st times i did that..??? (incredulous voice)

Dp: (bit sad) sanskar..??

Sanskar: (shook head) plx dad! Don't! I get it ok, the past i had would always be with me with its mistakes ok? I know, i wasn't the guy to be trusted back then, but that doesn’t mean i am same that cant be trusted… (all were a little sad hearing hi words as they realize there mistake, swara was moist eyes but didn’t say a word)

Ragini: (tries to clarify) sanky we didn't said that! We know u aren't the same man it was just-

Sanskar: (intrrput her) -just u guys couldnt trust me after seeing me with a girl nd my secretive work self?? (all sigh in defeat as thry knew he was smwhere right) I get it! Not that i expect u or any1 here to trust me, coz i always do what i had too, no matter what… right or wrong or what other think of me... Its as simple as it is... (leaving) nd just on contrary (look at Swara who was already teary eyes nd then to thers) am not going to cheat Swara again, if thats what u all worried ab8... (take a step when lucky speak)

Laksh: (walk to him) bhai..!! lets, just talk...

Sanskar: (turn nd level him with a look) I am done talking Laksh.. (all wide eyes nd sigh as they knew sanky was hell angry coz he call lucky by his name) nd there isn’t anytng to be talked ab8 exactly... (he left saying this, swara had tears in her eyes, while others had a sad frown)

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