It was a couple of days later and I was still contemplating on if I should message Reece or not. I sat there for hours, fiddling my phone through my fingers. glancing at the folded napkin with his number on beside me. I finally built up the curragh, saving his number into my phone. then I sat there again. what the hell do I say to him?
It had been two days and Megan still hasn't messaged me, I did put my number down right didn't i? U thought she would text me first after that kiss, it was amazing. I had no choice, her friend Charlotte gave me her number before they left, just if I wanted to talk to her. I had to, it was killing me not talking to her, was this right? Was I meant to feel like this after meeting a girl once?
I sat there still, my phone next to me as I lay on my bed, wondering what I should message Reece to make me sound not so obsessed and clingy to see him again. Then the screen of my phone lit up. my heart skipped a beat as I saw it was a message from Reece. I unlocked my phone as quick as I could to see what he had to say, going so fast I kept putting incorrect numbers. it read:
'Hi, Charlotte gave me your number just if I needed to talk to you. you did see the napkin I put in your bag didn't you. Iv been wanting to talk to you. I just didn't no what to say, but here it is haha, but I hope your okay
Reece xxx'
I was over the moon, I was sure my heart was skipping beats with how happy I was. It was like I slept with a coat hanger in my mouth. I messaged him back as soon as.
'Hiya, oh that was nice of her giving my number out to strangers now😉 but I'm fine, I did get your note and I was going to message you but I didn't have a clue what to say. About that note, what did you mean by "you're different".
Megan xxx'
I sat there still smiling, hoping he would reply soon and at least a minute later my phone buzzed again. I glanced at it to see it was Reece and went to read the message.
'It was nice of her wasn't😄 I'm glad your okay, also "you're different" wasn't a bad thing, it was sort of like idk, it's hard to explain, that I don't have to put on and act with you, that I can just be me, that you make me smile way more than anyone else I know, that's what "you're different" means.
Reece xxx'
As I read this I began to blush, I make him smile all the time I thought, but then every time Iv thought about him Iv smiled. I didn't know what to say back, but before I could answer my phone buzzed again.
'I'm gonna need to see you again megs, I don't care what you say
Reece xxx'
I started to smile even more now, he wanted to see me again!
'I'd love to see you again as well Reece
Megs xxx'
I'm going to see him again, he wanted to see me again!
'Good what about tomorrow, Greenwich? Iv been thinking of our nearly kiss🙈
Reece xxx'
Tomorrow, tomorrow's Saturday, I'm not doing anything I can meet him!
'Sounds good, me to😌
Megan xxx'
'I'll see you tomorrow about 11'
11 o'clock. God knows what will only happen.

Is it true?~ Reece Bibby
FanficA young girl takes a trip to London, to get tapped on the shoulder by her wildest dreams. She comes to a point where she doesn't know what to do, being in love can be hard, If it's true.