14~Thats it!

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I was fuming! I had anger and hurt mixed together. How could he say that to me! When I finally got into my house I went mental, I screamed, cried, I threw things, a lot of things, I broke things, I punched things. Anything you can think of to do when you're angry I most likely did it. I fell to my bedroom floor, allowing small sobs to escape when my phone began buzzing. I shot up and hurled myself to my phone. If this was Reece giving me a pathetic text saying 'I love you, I was stupid, I'm sorry' he can think again, but it wasn't. this was a text from an unknown number...
I opened the text seeing there was a picture with a link attached. A picture of my boyfriend, Reece, all over another girl. This girl was tall, thin, long blonde wavy hair that hung loosely with out knots. His hands hovering over her hour glass figure, and from the angle of the photo I couldn't see much of her face but I just knew she was pretty. My heart felt like it had split and nothing could get worse, until I clicked on the link. Thousands of photos of people at this house party and in nearly everyone I saw Reece with this girl. Cuddling, kissing, laughing. Then there were photos of them not in them and then I saw it, her leading him upstairs to a room. My heart fell into the pit of my stomach and I couldn't catch my breath, like my throat had shut and no oxygen could get through. I felt physically sick. How could someone I thought so much about and care so much about do this...
It must of been who he was on the phone to in the cinema, who else could it be. I had no choice. I needed answers from him and I needed them know! I rang him immediately. Hearing his sympathetic 'Hello' from the other end made my hear melt, but I wasn't going to be this daft girl that let boys walk all over her. "You need to meet me!" I said sternly "yes I will, where?" He asked "The park" I answered than cut off. I wasn't going to give him any emotion, I'd wait till I see him.

As I walked into the park he was already there, sitting on the swings waiting. The night air was nipping at my tearie cheeks but I didn't let that phase me. I made my way over to the swings, keeping as calm as possible. As I got there he stood up, going in to give me a hug but I stepped away, he's not swinging round me that easily. "Megs about the cinema, I'm so sor-" "Who were you on the phone to?" I interrupted. "What?" "Who were you on the phone to in the cinema when I was in the loo?" I asked again. He looked away. Guilt started eating away at him. He went to open his mouth when I interrupted again but I couldn't be stern no longer, it came out so weak. "Please don't lie Reece" my eyes began filling up. He stood shocked unknown what to do. "I know what you did" I cried. He still stood blank, looking at the ground. "You not even going to look at me and admit it" I said rather angry. "You can't deny it Reece!" I yelled, getting my phone out and onto the pictures and throwing it at him. He ducked. He looked down at the phone on the floor, filled with his dirty lies. He slowly looked up at me, his blue eyes fixed right on me. "Meg... I'm so sorry" he let out. I hit the roof. I threw myself at him, swinging my arms around, hitting him, punching him with all my force. "How dare thats all you say! How dare you yell at me like that in the cinema after you've done something like this! It wasn't just a kiss though was it!" He turnt his head away from me. "WAS IT!" I screamed. "Megan it was a mistake, it didn't mean anything, I love you!" "If you loved me that much you wouldn't of done that!" I answered with pure poison in my tone. "You know I love you!" "No I thought you did Reece, there's a difference." I broke "Reece I thought you were someone that would never hurt me" I cried, tears streaming down my face "and I'm not!" He protested, holding my hand and stroking it. I shook him away "But look what you've done! Do I look happy with what your done!" He looked down to the ground and shook his head. "You stay away from me!" I hissed. He looked up alarmed. "Meg..." "Reece I mean it! You leave me alone, don't message me, ring me, talk to me or even look at me again. You're disgusting Reece, you're an evil little weasel and I hope you're happy!" I finished and stormed away from him out the park and weakly cried to myself.

What have I done. I stormed into the flat. My hands in fist. I walked in the living room hoping to see all the lads but then I saw her, a snake wedged between James and Charlie. My eyes went to slits when I saw her acting like nothing had happened. "OI, what's the matter with you?" One of the boys joked, but I was to angry to answer."Where's Megan, Reece. I'm surprised she hasn't came with you, she usually follows you everywhere... like a little lost DOG." I rolled my eyes away from her. she knew she was hitting a nerve, but if I didn't give her a reaction she would eventually stop. "How is the pup?" She asked again. I sat down ignoring her questions. "So why are you here Lauren?" I asked her through gritted teeth. "Got to keep you all entertained" she winked "In what way would that be?" "Whatever way you like sweetie" she whispered as she got closer to me. Her hot breath rapped around my neck, her fingers tickling the back of my neck. I stood up and walked away. "Why don't you pay any attention to me?" She teased. I stopped in my tracks. "Because I have a girlfriend!" "Are you sure about that...?" She knew and this alarmed me. "what?" "Reece me and you are so much better, we laugh, we..." "I don't love you Lauren!" I said sympathetically "But you'd rather be with a girl that spends barley any time with you!" The boys were all staring at us both now. "She's a boring little dog Reece!" "That's enough Lauren!" One of the boys yelled. "She's not the one around eight boys nearly every night!" James said and all the boys agreed. "I think you need to look in the mirror Lauren before you start insulting her again" I smirked. "YOURE NOT EVEN TOGETHER AND YOU STILL STICK UP FOR HER!" She screamed. The boys looked at me in shock. "How did you know we weren't together?" "What..." "How did you know?" "Because I sent it to her!" She admitted. Anger took over me. "She's a fucking little slag, she meets you once and the next day she's in your bed! She's dirt Reece you're not worth her!" I threw myself over at Lauren, not thinking just doing. The boys caught me before I actually reached her and pulled me away. "I love how you won't admit it Reece..." "How you slept with me whilst still being with her!" "You call her the slag Lauren! You're an embarrassment!" I shook my head. "You know what Bibby there's plenty more fish in the sea!" She snarled. "More like plenty more men to pay!" I hushed under my breath so only the boys could hear. We all laughed.

After Lauren had left we all sat in silence till Chris broke it. "Is it true?" I looked up. "Please tell me you didn't!" Cassy begged. I sat quiet still looking at the floor just hoping it will eat me up. "and you and Megan?" Tom asked. I started to cry. My head fell in my hands. "Iv lost the best thing that's ever happens to me now and I'm not getting her back"

Is it true?~ Reece BibbyWhere stories live. Discover now