7~ Ex-Girlfriend?

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I lay there tears trickling down my cheeks on to Reece's t-shirt. His arms around me got tighter as he whispered in my ear "Megs what's the matter?" "A bad dream" I weeped. I then pulled away from his cuddle, sitting next to him, my back facing him. "Do you want to talk about it?" He asked me quietly. I didn't answer. He rested his chin on my shoulder, waiting for me to answer. "Meg, please talk to me" he pleaded. I slowly turns my face towards him, tears still running down my cheeks. "Meg I don't like to see you upset" he told me. I took a deep breath. "What about you?" I asked, "what about me?" "You never told me about your old girlfriends?" We both sat there in silence till he answered. "Yea I had one" he told me, looking down towards the floor. "Why'd you break up?" I asked. "Why has this all popped into your head?" "Reece?" "It was so long ago Meg, it doesn't matter!" "Well so was mine and Stans but I still told you about that!" I felt myself getting angrier and I except he was as well. I was close to getting up and walking out the house. My eyes started filling up again. "Her name was Lola... and she was a show girl..." he started smiling as so did I. "Reece, I'm being serious!" I giggled. "No her name was really Lola, but we just argued all the time. She'd moan about everything I done and I wasn't happy with her, I didn't want to be with someone who made me like that." he said sternly. "Why did you want to know?... Was that what your dream was about?" "It was about you, that you couldn't be bothered with me anymore and went back with your girlfriend, and you were best mates with Stan and he helped you leave me... I was there though and you didn't acknowledge me at all, I just didn't want to feel like I was so alone and that you didn't want me anymore." I started to cry. He pulled me back into his lap and kissed my head. "Are you stupid, I would never ever do that to you" he said kissing me and hugging me tightly into him. Cuddling him was easy, we just fitted into each other and this is what I wanted every night to be like.

Is it true?~ Reece BibbyWhere stories live. Discover now