Chpater 30: Distance

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PSA: Whole chapter will be in August POV 👇🏾😊



I smoked a blunt in my car while I made my way to the clinic. My free hand controlled the steering wheel as my thumb tapped on it out of nervousness.

I could feel the sweat forming on my forehead as I prayed to God that this baby wasn't mine and if it is mine I don't know what imma do or how imma feel.

I just know I'm not ready to be a father

"It took you long enough" Diamond said when she spotted me walking through the double automatic doors. I ignored her statement and sat down in the waiting area. "So we don't speak now"

I glared at her letting her know this was not the time and start her shit. My leg began to uncontrollably bounce up and down as I kept my focus straight ahead

"What you so nervous for?"

"Diamond please shut up" I shook my head and looked over towards the door wanting to leave

"Don't tell me to shut up August this the shit I be talkin' bout"

I sighed dramatically and flung my head back before getting up and moving to the other side of the waiting area. I couldn't deal with her all in my ear when I can't even hear myself think.

"Ms. Gardner?" The nurse called Diamonds last name and we both stood up. We crossed paths as we made our way to her and Diamond looked up and glared at me. I just ignored her and shook my head as we followed the lady to the back.

"You can sit right here" She told me while closing the door and Diamond sat on the bed.

"So..." she looked down at her clipboard, "We are here for a prenatal paternity test?"

"Yes" me and Diamond said at the same time

The nurse nodded her head and began to wash her hands in the small sink. Her and Diamond started a small conversation, but I just tuned them out trying to control my anxiety. Seconds later my phone vibrated in my pocket snapping me back to reality.

I looked at it seeing Teek pop up on the screen and I answered, "Hey wassup" I leaned over trying to keep my voice down

"Hey sorry to bother you... um have you seen my wallet I can't find it"

"Ahh.." I thought about if I saw it or not before I left, "Maybe look in the closet in the room I think I took it out of one of your jackets"


I could hear her walking and looking through things. I don't know what it was but just being on the phone with her made me forget about all the stress I had on me right now.

"See it?"

"Yeah I got it, thank you"

"Your welcome beybeh, I'll see you later"

"Ok bye"

When I hung up the phone and saw Diamond getting her blood drawn as she looked at me

"Was that Amber?" She asked and I looked away from her

"Don't worry bout it"

"Whatever" I heard her say under her breath

The room was silent and I became more and more anxious about these results. Once the nurse was done with Diamond she moved on to me.

"You ok with needles hun" she asked twisting my arm palm up and began to find my vein.

"I'm a tattoo artist" I told her giving her the answer that they didn't bother me.

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