Chapter Seven-Alec

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She's so beautiful and she has no idea the effect she has on people and it's dangerous. I see the way he looks at her. He loves her and I don't blame him. She's funny, smart, beautiful, and her laugh just drives me crazy. Any guy that has met her knows exactly what I'm talking about. All I could think about right now is, "God, please don't take her away from. Not this way." I only knew her for almost three months, but I've known it the first time I saw her. The first time I saw her standing in her front lawn when we first moved here. I knew she was the one my soul wanted.

Everything had happened so fast, I heard someone say 'Jaxx' and I'm thinking to myself, who the hell is Jaxx and that's when everything happened, next thing I knew, all the guys stood in a protective stance in front of her while she stands there looking as if she saw a ghost. After a few seconds, I guess she processed what's happening before any of us knew it, she was in the middle of everyone. I didn't know what was going on, but Leina noticed.

"Nick is JJs ex-boyfriend. They were on and off for three years because he didn't know what the hell he wanted. Every time they broke up, he would go with other girls then run right back to JJ. She loved him so she always took him back," She started to explain.

"Every time he would leave, he'd take a part of her. That's when she started to lose herself. Nick was the first guy she ever officially dated that the guys accepted because he was once one of us. That is why we stick to ourselves. If there is one thing we all want, it's to make sure JJ never gets hurt and although that's inevitable, we try our best." I couldn't believe how stupid this kid is.

JJ is the kind of girl you don't ever want to lose and that is exactly what he did. I heard her strained voice yelling and I knew she's crying and that pissed me off so I walked towards her, grabbed her hand and pulled her close to me. She is so small and fragile but has the biggest heart and so strong. She is stronger then she thinks and she does not even notice.

I don't think she realizes it's me, but I knew she was hurt. I don't ever want to see her this way. The hurt she has in her voice and eyes tells it all, she really cared for this guy, but now he is just some guy that she used to know. Little did he know, it was over before it even started and this Nick dude doesn't know what he has coming.

She went to cool off at the car so I walked behind her to give a bit of space. She tried to wipe the tears away and tried to pretend as if she hadn't just been crying just a few seconds ago. . To have the girl that you care about a lot for cry in your arms is the worst thing ever, but I knew she needed it. So I just held her as she cried. She had calmed down and grabbed food and sat by everyone. I was expecting the night to at least go a little better until Josh asked to talk to her.

He has this look on his face that I've only seen on someone who was hurting a lot inside, so I just let him go. I instantly regret it because not even five minutes later we saw her slap him and run straight towards the parking lot. "What the hell did you do!" I say as I shoved him. "None of your damn business," he replied. I was going to throw a punch, but I knew better. Instead, I ran after JJ, but I was too late. She already drove off out of the parking lot.

We're all at the parking lot trying to reach her, "JJ just pick up the damn phone!" I hear Kyle say. He's closer to her than anyone so right now I know he's panicking. "Answer princess, answer," I whisper as I tried her phone again. It's off, why the hell is it off? "I can't just stand here and do nothing! What the hell did you say to her?!" I yell at Josh. "fuck off." he yells back. "I'm not going to ask you again, what did you tell her?"

This time I did not back off. She just had to deal with her ex-boyfriend, she did not need any more shit tonight. "You don't get to weasel your way into this family and think that anything you say means shit to anyone, especially her!" "That is enough you two! Josh, what the fuck did you say to her to make her slap you? Because I know for a damn fact she would never hit you unless you did something stupid, now fucking talk because she isn't answering the damn fucking phone!" Hunter yelled in one breath. He's the oldest, and JJ being the youngest and the only sister they have made his demeanor change.

"I...I uh... I..." Josh stammered. "Spit it out, Josh!" Mia spat out. Mia is a happy spirit. She's the only one that always keeps the peace between us all, so to see her mad is scary. Although, I don't blame her one bit. JJ is not only the youngest of us all, but she means more to us than anything else in the world.

"She didn't let me finish! I was trying to tell her I've been in love with her from the start and that she was too naive to see how much I loved her because Alec fucked everything up!" "YOU DID WHAT?" That was Miah and Mason's queue to yell. It is not the appropriate time, but I find it weird that they always seem to say the same thing at the same time all the time, but then again, they are twins. "Josh, what the actual fuck? Could you not wait for, oh I don't know? Another fucking time? Or another fucking day?" Mason sad calmly, but you can hear the deadliness in his voice.

Out of all the guys, Mason is the main person you don't ever want to cross. Besides the fact that he's basically the Hulk? When it comes to JJ, he would do absolutely anything to make sure she is safe. We all will, but Mason is one to not piss off.

Kyle sighs and says, "everyone listen, our main priority right now is to get in touch with JJ as soon as we can. She's emotionally unstable and probably having a panic attack. We need to make sure she alright." Thank God Kyle is the level headed one between us all because I would have taken Josh's head off if they hadn't stepped in.

Its been 30 minutes and still nothing! We're stranded here because she took the car that had the other set of keys in them. We kept calling her and still nothing. Just like that, everything changed. Hunter's phone rang and what was waiting for us all on the other end of the phone line was something none of us was prepared for.

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