Chapter Nine

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She doesn't know it yet, but this is what would happen if we were to lose her. It's been two months since the accident and she still hasn't woken up. We started school a month ago and none of us attended the first two weeks.

We all visited her daily, but I go there every night and sleep in the chair next to her bed. The first three weeks were crucial, I didn't leave the hospital at all. The guys had to bring me a fresh pair of clothes and food every day because I refused to leave her side. The good news is that she's breathing on her own.

Uncle Ben and Aunt Tracie moved back home and postponed their wedding later. We have all been lost without her and the house hasn't been the same. I only go to the house to shower and get ready for school.

I didn't want to go to school till she wakes up, but I know her, she wouldn't want me to miss school. We all dreaded to start school because of the look everyone gives us as if we're little orphan kids. Teachers walk on eggshells are around us and it pisses me off. I mean i know that what happened was something that was hard on us, but we aren't little kids no more.

I'm currently in English class barely paying attention. Although, I don't think none of us could pay attention to anything. I'm sitting in class thinking about that night, the night everything happened. For the past two months, I couldn't stop thinking about what Josh told her to make her that upset. We've been getting along lately, but not best friends. I know he loves her, but he knows that she wouldn't see him more than just a brother.

The bell for lunch brings me out of my head for a while. As I'm walking to my locker, I see Josh kissing on some blonde bimbo, I just shake my head and walk to my locker. I put the books I don't need in my locker and think to myself, that's why she would never see him the way he sees her because she knows his ways, but I understand why he does what he does.

Josh does what every guy does when they can't have the girl they want, they sleep with any and every girl they could hoping one of them could be her. He knows just as much as I do, no one could ever be her. At least not in my eyes. As I reach the cafeteria doors, I sigh.

I haven't been sleeping lately. I'm afraid that if I let myself sleep, I won't be there when she wakes up and I want to be there when she wakes up. I get my food and see the guys at our table so I make my way towards them and sit next to Josh as that day replayed in my head.


"Princess," I say with a groggy voice. "Princess, I need you to wake up. I need you to be okay because if you aren't then who am I going to love? You make the world beautiful with your smile and your laugh. You are the reason the painters paint and the singers sing. Not even the most expensive painting in the world could ever replicate your beauty. Your family needs you JJ. I need you." I hear the door open and I wipe my tears and look towards the door.

Everyone piles in with hopeful eyes. I shake my head and see the pain come back. Hunter is the first to reach us. "Baby sis, you better wake up. Who am I supposed to protect? Who am I supposed to boss around? Who are we supposed to yell at to stop eating all the food?" he laughed as he cried. "We can't lose you. Not now. Not ever."

I remember that night like it was yesterday. To see Hunter break down like that was heartbreaking. Trevor was the strong one out of all of us, at least that's what he showed us. As I went to get water, I heard sniffles coming from the bathroom. I walked towards the stall as I heard someone crying, I noticed the shoes and immediately knew who it was. "Trev?" I said lightly. I heard him try to stop crying and get himself together.

"I'm fine." I hear him say as he unlocks the bathroom door. "Why her Alec? Why JJ? That's my little sister! Why couldn't that happen to me?" I could hear all the pain in his voice, his eyes were bloodshot red, "you and I both know that she would never want you to say that. We need to be strong, not only for everyone in that room but also for her. She wouldn't want us to cry, but to think positive. You know JJ, if it was someone else in her position, she would have slapped us upside our heads and tell us to be strong. God gives his hardest battles to his strongest soldiers and that's exactly what she is. JJ is one of the strongest people I know and I promise you, she will fight through this. That's what she does. She's a fighter, she fights, she's one hell of a stubborn girl." I say as we laugh because we both know she's more stubborn than a splinter stuck in a woodcarvers thumb.

"You're right." he said. " thank you, man. She's lucky to have someone like you. And don't think I don't see the way you look at her. I know that look. I know that look well because that is the same look Hunter gives Leina and the look I give Mia." If he can see that, then who else could? "So does Josh," I reply. "No, he only loves the idea of her, not her. Josh is a selfish bastard," he tells me as he washes his face. "I agree."

"Let me tell you this right now, Josh just likes the thought of them because they're close. He doesn't love her the way you do. Although you just met her a few months ago, I know how much you care about her. The way you tried to protect her tonight just shows a lot. Don't go blaming yourself either, this isn't your fault. I want you to promise me something," he said as I nod as he faces back to me.

"I want you to always protect her no matter what. There are still some things that you are going to find out about our family and I need you to promise that no matter what you hear you will always protect her. Even if your feelings are clouding your judgment. Always protect her and take care of her." he says as the tone in his voice changed.

What does he mean there are other things? "Don't ask questions now, you won't get them, but when the time is right, she will tell you, but for now I need you to just trust us." he looks at me with this strange look, but for some odd reason, even though I don't know what he's talking about or what the tone of his voice means, I trust him. I trust them. I nod and he pats me on the shoulder and says, "the day she decides to tell you, is the day you know she needs you the most." and walks out of the bathroom leaving me in my thoughts.

I break out of my thoughts when I felt someone sit next to me. I look up to see Nick. "what the hell do you think you're doing?" I growl as I stand up. "Look I don't want no trouble alright?" he says as he stands up with his hands up. "I just want to know how she's doing. They won't let me see h-" "you don't get to see her and if I have to put a restraining order on you I'll have no problem doing so." I hear Kyle say as he stands next to me.

I look at Nick and all I want to do is punch his face. How can he hurt her? Why did he do it? I was about to say something when the cafeteria doors flew open and I was sure it was the principal or the security, but when I looked towards the door, everything just stopped. "It's JJ," Hunter says in a rushed voice and everything went black.

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