Chapter 2

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Gladion's POV

The week at school was absolute hell.
I hate going to school.
I honestly hate it.
I HATE (Y/N) for not sticking up for me. She doesn't even say anything to them when they talk crap about me.
Like today in art class take this for example:
"OMG he's wearing the same black shirt again! He's such a LOSER! Do you think so (y/n)?"
(Y/N) doesn't say anything.
"He's so poor and weak!"
(Y/N) still doesn't say anything.

That's why I HATE (Y/N) at the moment.

I slammed the door to my bedroom and (y/n)'s older sister comes in.
"Hey Gladion. What's wrong? You look pissed." , said (s/n) (sister name).
"It's (Y/N). When her friends bully me she doesn't stick up for me or say anything." , I replied.
"What?! I'm so sorry. I'm just so shocked. She usually sticks up for people that are being bullied. Ever sense she became popular... I guess not now..." , said (s/n).
"Why did she even invite me to live here if she has nothing to do with me?!" , I said ticked off.
(S/N) gave me a hug and said, "I'll go talk to (Y/N). Hang in there Gladion. She must have some of her old self in her somewhere."

(Y/N)'s POV
My older sister came in my room without knocking.
"You're suppose to knock." , I said.
"You're hurting Gladion." , (s/n) said.
"How am I hurting Gladion?" , I asked.
"You're seriously so clueless. You don't even stick up for him when your friends bullying him! What's happened to you?" , (s/n) asked.
I started crying and said, "I don't know. I just don't know."
"Is it because of mom and dad being so hard on you?"
"Yes." , I whispered.
My sister  said, "You need to start making choices. Bad or good. Make the right ones."

I thought on what my sister said.
She's right.
I've made a lot of mistakes.
I need to start making better choices.

Gladion's POV

(S/N) came back to my room and said, "(Y/N) is feeling sorry right now."
"Good." , I said.
"She's having identity troubles."
"Her friends are a horrible influence."

Monday- Art class
I got up to put my picture away I was painting, and I got tripped.
(Y/N)'s best friend did it!
(Y/N) rushes over to me and helps me up.
"LEAVE. GLADION. ALONE." , (Y/N) gritted through her teeth.
Then turns to me and asks, "Are you okay?"
"I could be better." , I replied.

(Y/N)'s POV
I'm so pissed at my best friend!
Hurting Gladion like that!
How dare her?!
"I could be better." , Gladion replied.
"Alright let's get you to the nurse." , I said.
The art teacher gave me a look and said, "he can get himself to the nurse."
"I'm walking Gladion to the nurse! He's hurt!" , I snapped, walking out.

Gladion's POV
"Thanks (Y/N)." , I said.
"No problem." , (Y/N) said.
"What just came over you?"
"Something called CONFIDENCE. I never had it before."
The nurse took a look at me and said, "Thankfully your girlfriend walked you up here."
"We're not dating." , I said.
"Hmm sure you're not." , the nurse said.

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