Chapter 11

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(Y/N)'s POV- Valentines Day

A lot has happened in the past month, my ex best friend and Cecelia got in trouble for all the stuff they did to me and Gladion.
(2 weeks of ISS did the trick).
They haven't bothered us sense then.

But I did make a new friend, named Hol.

Today's Valentines Day, I thought I wasn't getting anything from my boyfriend. Apparently I was mistaken.

When I walked into Global, 12 roses were on my desk with a message on a slip of paper: Happy Valentines Day (Y/N) 💖 Love, Gladion

I gasped in shock. I was honestly shocked and surprised. I thought he didn't do stuff like this.
I got my phone out and sent a text: Thank you for the roses babe! 💖
Gladion ❤️: Anything for you!
Gladion ❤️: In math now. Gotta pay attention.
Me: Okay.

Gladion's POV- Lunch time

(Y/N) was waiting for me at our usual spot, in middle of cafe.
"You surprised me with those roses!" , (Y/N) said.
"I thought you would surprised. I just wanted to show you how much I love you." , I said, stroking her hair.
"You did. I love you very much."
"How much do you love me (Y/N)?"
"This much." , (Y/N) leaned in and kissed me on the lips.
We kissed for about 30 seconds before breaking free.
"Wow (Y/N). You're an amazing kisser." , I said blushing hard.
"You aren't so bad your self." , (Y/N) said, blushing as well.
"Love you!"
"Love you to!"
Before we kissed again.

(Y/N)'s POV- Art Class

Cecelia and my Ex Best Friend have been glaring at me all class and whispering.
"What's that about?" , I asked my friend, Hol.
"I have no idea. Just ignore them." , Hol replied.

I pretended to clean my area when I heard them say, "Oh yeah that post about (Y/N) got likes and comments!"
"What post about me?" , I asked.
"You didn't see? The post Cecelia and my boyfriend put up." 
I fought back tears and stood my ground, "That's just wrong! You don't go posting things about me!" , I screamed.

Gladion's POV

I heard (Y/N) screaming at someone, "You don't go posting things about me!"
That's when I approached her fighting with her enemies.
"Well if you weren't sucking off Gladion's face maybe I wouldn't-
Then they saw me standing there.
"TAKE DOWN THE POST. NOW! You don't do those things do people! I thought you would guys would learn after 2 weeks of ISS (In school suspension)!" , I shouted.
I grabbed (Y/N)'s hand and said, "They're not worth it. We're going home."

We walked in the house.
We decided to go to (Y/N)'s room.
"I thought they would've stopped bothering you." , I said.
"It was Cecelia. And my ex best friends boyfriend." , (Y/N) said.
I looked at my phone and didn't see the post anymore. They must have taken it down.
"I have another surprise for you (Y/N). For tutoring me."
I handed her a bracelet.

"OMG Gladion! Thank you so much! I love you!" , (Y/N) said

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"OMG Gladion! Thank you so much! I love you!" , (Y/N) said.

Question: Should I do a sequel?
And when should this book end?

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