Chapter 13

613 15 8

Spring Break Special Part 2

Walt Disney World

Gladion's POV- Night time

We got back to the motel, finding an angry "supervisor".
"Where have you guys been? Cecelia and I have been searching for hours for you guys!" , (Y/N)'s sister snapped.
"We were off shopping in Disney Springs." , (Y/N) replied.
"Why would you go sneaking off like that?"
"Because of Cecelia. The truth is you're kinda of a control freak." , (Y/N) stated.
"Im not a control freak. And what does Cecelia have to do with this?"
My turn to speak up.
"Because shes been bullying your sister AKA my girlfriend. She never leaves us alone. And yes you have been controlling this entire vacation so far! We haven't gotten to do anything we wanted yet without sneaking away!" , I snapped.
She was speechless. She didn't say anything.

(Y/N)'s POV- The next day

"Hey aren't you coming with us?" , I asked my sister.
"No go by yourselves to Blizzard Beach." , replied my sister.
"Okay. Ready Gladion?" , I asked.
"Sure am!!!" , Gladion replied.

We got on the bus that took us to Blizzard Beach.
That bus trip took us a really long time.
"Aren't you excited (Y/N)?" , Gladion asked.
"I am excited." , I replied.
"What ride would you want to do first?"
"I don't know. Which ever one has the shortest wait time."
"Or we could see a show first."
"Maybe. We'll have to see when we get there."
"Yes Gladion?"

"Do you ever think about having a family?"
That question took me by surprise, I honestly didn't know what to say to that.
I answered, "I haven't really thought about to much. Why?"
"I want to have a family someday." , Gladion replied.
"Oh." , was all I could say. I didn't know he thought about stuff like this.

Gladion's POV

We decided to do Plummet Summit and Runoff Rapids.
Very fun and exciting.
"I had fun!" , I said.
"So did I." , (Y/N) said, blushing.
"I'm sorry if I freaked you out earlier with that question."
"It's okay. I just wasn't expecting you to ask me that.i didn't know you thought about stuff like that."
"Trust me babe. I do." , I said, kissing her neck.
"Alright alright. That tickles." , (Y/N) said.
"Kissing your neck tickles?" , I asked.
"Yes it does. Especially sense we just got off Runoff Rapids!" , (Y/N) replied.
"My poor (Y/N)."
"Oh my Gladion!"

(Y/N)'s POV

During lunch I decided to text my sister: Are you okay sis?
Sister 👍🏻: Yes I'm fine now. Just had an off morning that's all, like morning sickness.
Me: Alright, just letting you know. We're going to Animal Kingdom next.
Sister 👍🏻: Okay.

"So how is she?" , Gladion asked.
"Alright. She just morning sickness." , I replied.
"Morning sickness? Is it possible that your sister is trying to hide the face that she might be pregnant?" , Gladion asked.
"I have no idea what her life involves." , I replied.

Back at the hotel at night

I find my sister holding a positive pregnancy test.
"You're pregnant?!" , I gasped.
"You weren't suppose to find out!" , my sister said.
"What are you going to do?" , I asked.
"I'm not keeping the baby." , she replied.
Gladion noticed how upset I got, so he spoke up and said, "There's a human life growing inside you, you can't just throw it away."

Then both of us walked away holding hands.

Gladion's POV- Night (Magic Kingdom fireworks)

I wrapped my arm around (Y/N) and pulled her closer to me.
(Y/N) wrapped her arm around me in response.
"These fireworks are absolutely amazing." , (Y/N) said.
"Not as amazing as you." , I said, staring into her eyes.
Then I kissed her.
We both stayed kissing for the longest time and we both didn't even care.

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