New Beginnings

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"We got our asses handed to us back there," Violet says holding her bleeding arm. Cameron makes quick work of getting her seated so he can remove the bullet from her arm.

"It was one person," Justin says shaking his head.

Everyone in the room is panicking but they try keeping a level head as they all try making sense of what had happened.

Scout sits in thought as she tries to make sense of what she saw, she tried denying it the whole drive back but after everything that happened; she wasn't quite sure she was dreaming.

They walk into the building in a tight formation with Scout leading everybody; she keeps her weapon in front of herself as she makes sure there isn't anybody there.

"Clear," Scout says and the others walk in lead by Violet.

Scout looks to her left and sees her; she's just leaning on the wall with her hands in her pockets; panic immediately takes over her body and she tries not to scream. Scout blinks and shakes her head, when she opens her eyes there's nobody there.

"Scout," Cameron calls from the other door; he noticed her panicked expression.

Scout turns to him so quickly she almost cracks her neck; she rushes over to him trying not to seem panicked.

"Is everything alright?"

Scout quickly considers telling the truth; she had seen her, she was alive and well, but in fear of seeming insane she nods her head and takes a deep breath, "yeah," she whispers before continuing.

Their mission was simple; find the weapons that had been kept from them and destroy them, sure it was a lot easier said than done because it seemed the agency hadn't died just because half of management had been killed, in fact it was rebuilt and although it wasn't as big as before, they are now the targets.

The agency had kept a huge secret, one that seemed bigger than them keeping weapons to sell; nobody knew anything about it, not what it was about and not even the slightest peep about who was working on it.

As they walk deeper into the building it seems unnerving how there is no protection at all in the building; when they had worked here, these now vacant floors were always full of agents walking around.

"I don't like this," a young man says as he walks deeper into the building behind Violet, "it's never this quite here, I know we all left but this is insane,"

"Alright you got me," a disembodied voice says making everyone nervous and uncomfortable at how cold it sounds.

Scout feels a chill run down her spine at the voice, it doesn't sound familiar, but at the same time it does.

Everyone looks around while keeping a tight formation, they are sweating and the voice is now laughing, "look," Cameron says pointing at someone sitting ways away with their feet on the desk and their hands behind their head, "there they are,"

The figure looks calm, it's too dark for any of them to make out who it is; knowing that whoever this person is, is very skilled, nobody dares tries to attack on their own.

"Who are you?" Violet asks with a dry mouth and a trembling voice.

The figure slowly stands and shakes their head, "you could at least try to sound unfazed,"

"Who are you?" Scout asks with a much stronger voice than Violet had initially asked in; in fact it was full of confidence and authority making the figure chuckle lightly.

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