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summary : harry notices something...

word count : 0.9K

(tigger warnings : self-harm)

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Draco and I are getting ready for bed. It's a foggy late in December, and we both got home late from work, and all we want to do is go to bed and snuggle up.

But when he takes his white, pressed shirt off, I see red and white lines, trailing up both of his forearms, some looking deeper than others.

I'm sure I stumbled back in utter shock because Draco's hand are holding me in place, and he's looking deep in my eyes, I can tell, but my eyes are directed straight at his arms, taking in the self inflicted wounds.

He must have caught on to what I was looking at because his eyes immediately go watery and he sucks in a breathe.


"Mhm." My voice is brittle and wobbly. Why? Is all I can ask myself. Is it me? Have I caused him to want to... to want to die? I- I don't know how to handle this or what to do.

Draco looks at me so worryingly, as though I am the one who is hurt.

"Draco... why? How?"

He brings me to sit on the edge of the bed, our knees are touching and the light from the fireplace is making his eyes glow in such a spectacular manner.

"Harry," He starts. I'm scared incase he tells me that it's my fault, that I have cause him such pain. "I didn't mean it. It was in a time of weakness, I wasn't feeling like myself at all and I fell back into old habits, and I'm so very sorry I didn't tell you how I feeling." The passion in his voice, the determination to comfort me, when it is he who has done such a cruel thing to himself, makes me sob.

I cry into my boyfriends chest, as he pets my hair, whispering words of comfort into my ear, so quiet I barley hear him over my heart shattering into pieces and my sobs getting louder by the minute.

"Look at me." His voice is soft but compelling, and so I look into his deep grey eyes, wiping the tears that threatened to fall away with my thumb.

"Harry, these scars, these old faded scars are from years ago, just after the war, when all I could think about was how much pain I had cause people and how much pain I deserved myself," That in itself makes me choke back another sob, my hand covering my mouth as i avert my eyes. "And these new scars, so fresh that I can't lean on my arm because of them, I did when I had been yelled at in the streets of Diagon Alley to... to kill myself."

Rage builds up in me qucker than the rage of a bull. I can feel my magic bubbling over, ready to explode and create an eruption. How dare people still mistreat him as though he hasn't changed! He spent years building relationships with people, changing his heart and soul, something not many people can do.

"Draco! how dare they say that," I adore Draco but I'll be damned if I let anyone treat him that way. "You... you've changed so much how, how can they not see that?" My eyes are already watering again. But I can't help it. These people are choosing to ignore the good in Draco and only recognise the bad that he has done in his past.

"And, oh, Draco! You teach at Hogwarts and no student has ever failed your class or even come close to failing because you care for your students and you help them so much."

"I know," he says sadly, "But it's fine because I have you, as long as I have you by my side, I know I'll be alright." He smiles at me so adoringly, that it makes me but my lip to hold back a smile; this isn't a time for smiling. "I should have told you what I had done straight away and I'm sorry I didn't, but I didn't want to disappoint you."

A tear falls from his piercing grey eyes and I wipe it away with my thumb, and I rub just above his cheekbone softly.

I smile gently at him, "You don't have apologise, Draco you could never disappoint me when it comes to something like this, I love you, you big idiot, that's why I'm so worried not because I'm disappointed, but because I love you, don't think that it's because I'm disappointed in you."

He smiles at me gratefully and my heart nearly melts at his lovely smile: he charms me with that smile, and I'm sure he knows it too.

He's so strong. He survived so much, and yet he's kept on living, carrying his past on his shoulders, weighing him down, everyday. I could never imagine doing the same.

That night we just got ready for bed quickly and when we were just about to go to sleep, I wrapped my arms around him tightly, hopefully giving him comfort in silence, and he kissed the top of my head, and with that, we feel asleep. Comfortable in eachothers arms, as always.

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IM SO SORRY! i kept forgetting to upload this, because i've had so much homework.

thank you to @atolla for designing my front cover, i really love it💛go check out her page

thank you for reading, and if you enjoyed this - i really don't like the chapter but whatever - please vote/comment so i know xxx

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