oh my... (p:2)

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summary : this is part two to 'oh...' (the previous chapter) and in this chapter harry's going to try and ask draco out

word count : 1.2K

(no trigger warnings)

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Today was the day.

Or at least, it was one of the many attempts and fails of me trying to ask Draco out.

This was attempt number four.

It's not my fault! Everytime I get the guts to do it, something goes wrong. The first time, Cedric Diggory had come and ask Draco out himself - Draco said yes, but never went on a second date, thankfully. The second time, I had fallen down the stairs and fractured my wrist, trying to keep up with Draco - Draco visited me in the Hospital Wing with chocolates and a 'Get Well Soon' card. The third time, I had went and ask if he and Hermione would like to come to Hogsmeade with me - I was dumb. And now, here we are, with attempt number four.

I'm scared, of course. I'm extremely nervous. My hands are shaking, ever so slightly, my eyes are just a little wider than normal and I keep walking side to side - and have tripped multiple times. But at the end of all this I'm going to ask out Draco Malfoy, so it should all be worth it, Right?

Unless, he says no.

Oh wait. I didn't think of that.

Ron convinced me that Draco would say yes, but I haven't even come up with a plan incase he says no. Shoot!

Alright, maybe I could say, 'oh that's alright', no that sounds as though I'm hurt. Well I would be but he doesn't need to know that.

I could ask 'why not?' but that would seem pushy, and I don't want to sound pushy. I'll just get Hermione to ask him later 'Why not?'. Sounds like a much better idea than.

I think... I think I'll just nod.

It's the safe option.

Right now, I'm walking into the Great Hall, my eyes downcast.

Draco now sits with us at the Gryffindor table. Ever since me, Hermione and Ron forgave him, we built up an everlasting friendship.

He's talking to Hermione, probably about homework, and I can feel my heart beating out of my chest.

I walk steadily over to where they are sitting, and immediately, Hermione understands what's about to happen and gives a short excuse to leave, gives me a small, encouraging smile and is on her way.

Draco looks mildly confused, but turns fully to me anyway, giving me a sweet look, and to know I have his full attention makes my head spin.

"Hiya Harry."

"Oh, um, hey Draco," I stutter out. Why did I have to stutter?! "I - Can I ask you a question?"

I may as well ask permission, so that I can stall for just a little longer.

Draco gives me a beaming smile, perfect, white teeth showing and all. His sweet dimples showing, no wrinkles to be seen. His eyes are glistening from the sunlight shining throw the large windows. God, he's so beautiful.

"Of course Harry." Goodness. Even his voice is gorgeous and hearing my name coming out of his luscious lips brings an unutterable bliss that I'm honestly quite sure that it's very noticeable to everybody.

I take a deep breathe, preparing myself to ask the most important question I'll probably ever ask someone, and hope that I don't stutter.

"Would... would you like to go to Hogsmeade with me," I give him a nervous smile "Like on - like on a date."

His smile, if possible, got wider and he looked over the moon, which confused me.

"What is it?"

Now I'm worrying. Does he think I'm pathetic for even trying to ask him out? I already feel like that, I do not need Draco to say the same thing that I'm already thinking myself.

He just chuckles though. I must look hurt because he immediately reaches for my hand and places his over mine, squeezing it. I look at our hands, then I look back at him, probably even more baffled than before.

"I've been waiting for you to ask for a while."


He smiles, "Harry... I've seen you pacing around, and well," He looks reluctant to say but when he looks at me again, he straightens and starts again "She didn't mean to of course, but Hermione let it slip that you wanted to ask me out..."

My jaw drops. Why! Why would Hermione do that when she knows that I never wanted him to know. Ugh! Of course this has to happen to me.

He must have seen that I looked dismal, because he was quick to reassure me. "No, Harry, it's okay, I- I think that it made me realise how much I truly like you."

"What do you mean Draco?" I'm so confused right now, I don't even know how to handle this situation and I just want to go back to bed and hibernate for a month.

Draco sighed, "I think... I think I had never realised how much I liked you before, and when Hermione let it slip that you were going to ask me out... I panicked, I thought it would ruin our friendship but I realised how much I truly like you,"

He formed a sweet smile as he talked, and it is the most breathtaking smile I have ever seen.

"I never realised how much I like it when your the first to ask what's wrong, or how my day is going, I like it when you always make time for me, even if it were studying, you would do it without any complaining, and- and I love how you make me feel."

Love. That's... that's a big word. Do I love Draco? Is wanting to be around someone all day, everyday and wanting them to have everything they want even if it destroys you love? I have a feeling it might be.

I look at our conjoined hands again, then look back to Draco, "And what is it I make you feel?"

He rubs his thumb across my cheek, "You make me feel... worthy," I didn't quite understand, but he continued, explaining what he meant "As though I matter in this world, you make me feel as though I can do anything, as long as your by my side."

I study his features hard, looking for some evidence that this is all a dream, but I find nothing, just pure, raw emotion, pouring out of his pearly grey eyes.

I giggle a little, and he looks at me so fondly, my heart can't help but melt, "Okay, well, Draco would you do the honor of accompanying me to Hosgmeade this weekend?"

At this point I'm not even asking, but I may as well. Just in case.

He lets his dazzling, white teeth show again "Of course I will Harry."

I can't help but smile wider than ever and I fling my arms around him, hugging; embracing him so tightly, it's surprising he isn't suffocating.

He wraps his skinny arms around my body, his hands resting on my shoulders, and one of my hands is stroking through his thin, delicate hair and the other resting on his shoulder too.

This weekend is going to be fantastic and I can't wait.

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hey i'm so sorry this too so long but i actually kinda like this chapter not going to lie💛

i'd quite like to write a part 3 to this, in which the date actually happens but it's up to you guys xxx

thank you for reading, if you enjoyed this chapter, please vote/comment it makes me smile :)

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