all bundled up

553 15 86

summary : draco is always cold, but harry's there to help

word count : 1.5K

(no trigger warning)

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Draco is always cold. The Healers at St Mungo's told him there was nothing he could do about it, other than take extra precaution when the colder months came around.

He had always been cold growing up, but not like this. This could be unbearable at times. He had to miss out on certain special occasions because it was 'too cold', when in reality it was only the end of August and wasn't really that cold at all.

During the war, he was on the wrong side, and he blames himself for that. If only he'd been stronger and wiser and this would never have happened to him. Too much exposure to the Cruciatus Curse, left permanent nerve damage and caused phantom pains in his shoulder from time to time.

When he had failed to kill Dumbledore, his punishment was severe. Almost everyday for weeks, he had to endure the pain and torture of the curse. After that, his family were a disgrace to both sides, the light side because they were death eaters, and Voldemort's side because they were failures.

Of course Draco escaped going to Azkaban with his father, all because of a certain man named Harry Potter.

They were never friends. Never. Even from when they first met, they were sworn enemies and had done anything to tear the other down.

That was until Harry nearly killed Draco and couldn't believe he'd hurt him. Harry was terribly confused as to why he would care, considering Draco was about to use the Cruciatus Curse on him, but after thinking about it, he came to the conclusion that Draco wouldn't be able to preform such a dark curse.

He knew because of what Belletrix Lestrange told him the year previous. "You need to mean them, Potter! You need to really want to cause pain - to enjoy it." He realised, at that point, Draco was in pain and needed serious help and Harry turned around and accused him of cursing someone.

When he saw what he had done to him, his heart stopped, his breathing came to a hault, his knees nearly buckled beneath him. He couldn't believe it. After all this time of him swearing down on everything he had that Draco was evil, he was going to be the cause of his death. He tried to scream, to shout, to get help for him, but his voice had gone, disappeared beneath the internal torment he was facing.

He first told draco that was why he spoke at his trials and saved him from Azkaban, but after a while he admitted it was something a whole lot deeper.

As powerful and respected as Harry was, the Ministry refused to let Draco walk away without some sort of punishment. So, Harry offered to have weakly check-ups with Draco, and make sure he wasn't planning on seeking revenge of any sort.

It was tense, of course, but after a while they were civilised, then another while later they were friends, and that friendship turned into something more, very quickly.

It had been a late night at Malfoy Manor, and Harry was staying over for the weekend. They had sat in the beige sitting room and chatted. Draco made tea. The conversation soon started getting deeper and soon tears were shed and apologies were being said every 10 minutes. But, it was when Draco told Harry about his 'cold' problem, that Harry got this look in his eye. Draco didn't know what it meant in the moment, but when Harry's lips where suddenly on his, he responded quite eagerly.

After that, Harry moved in permanently.

They were extremely close. They never lied to one another, something they swore always to do, was be true to eachother, and they never argued. Well, never majorly argued, just some minor things, like how Harry can't do the bed properly or how Dracos a clean freak and it's not his fault that the bed isn't done properly. They were deeply and madly in love and all their friends knew it, they never questioned what happened between them, just went with the fact that they were happier than they had ever been.

Right now though, it was the middle of November, a very cold month, and so Draco was sat on his and Harry's living room couch, surround in thick, heavy blankets, his feet tucked beneath his bum, his hands slightly shaking, watching The Grinch.

Harry wasn't home from work yet, but he would be in shortly. He was Head Auror, a title he held very proudly.

Draco had ordered in pizza and he's put Harry's on the kitchen counter and his is beside him. Draco was the cook of the house, after cooking and cleaning all of his childhood, Harry came to hate it, and barley ever cooked anymore. He remembers when Harry used to feel bad about leaving Draco to do all the cooking, because it took long and was quite difficult to do with magic. But Draco had immediately shut him up and told him quite firmly that he loved doing this for Harry because he loved him.

The floo lit up and not even a few seconds later, Harry popped out looking disheveled. He stood up and embraced his fiancé, and then stood back and brushed him down, all whilst Harry's face started forming a fond look, and a loving gaze was directed at Draco.

"Hey there." He said, stopping what Draco was doing, as he looked up at Harry.

"Hi," Draco replied, he always missed Harry dearly each time he left for work, since it was a dangerous job "I missed you." It was slight muffled seeing that Harry had enveloped him in a warm hug again.

"I missed you too, darling," Harry looked down at Draco, his thin blonde hair, all fluffy "Not seeing your gorgeous face for more than 8 hours, isn't all that favourable."

An adoring smile developed on Draco's face at that "Well, how unfortunate," He replied "There's a pizza on the counter and I've left clean pyjamas on the bed." He pulled back and looked at Harry.

"Thank you, Darling," Harry responded "I'll just be a moment." And at that he began to walk to the bedroom to get changed.

Draco looked at him as he walked away and he was sure he looked like such a sap, but in that moment he couldn't care less, he loved this man and would do anything for him.

He sat back down and surrounded himself in his blankets once more, though this time, leaving space for Harry to snuggle in.

Harry walked into the kitchen after getting changed and used a quick hot-air charm on his pizza. He started making hot chocolate for Draco, since he knows Draco adores this but doesn't like asking, never wanting to be a bother.

Once he was finished, he cast a floating charm on the two mugs of hot chocolate, and carried his pizza through to the sitting room where Draco was.

Seeing his fiancé snuggled up in a bundle of blankets, was definitely one of his favourite things. He just looked absolutely adorable.

He sat the two mugs down on Draco's side, sat his pizza next to Draco's and lifted the blankets up so he could snuggle of with Draco. They adjusted their position so that Harry's left arm was hanging around Draco's shoulders, his fingertips lightly brushing his arm, Draco's head was resting on his shoulder and he was turned so he was facing Harry but still looking at the screen.

"Your so pretty Draco," He didn't know if Draco would hear him, his voice was that quiet, but when a light blush covered Draco's cheeks, he knew he had heard, a small smile formed at that.

"Shut up Harry, goodness, your such a sap." He chastised, pouting quite cutely, if Harry many say so himself. If the blush and small, flattered smile on his fiancés face was anything to go by, he was pretty sure Draco didn't really mind the compliments.

It was fairly long time after that, when he thought Draco was asleep, that he heard a mumbled "Thank you." coming from Draco.

Knowing he was tired, he kept his voice down as he spoke "Whatever for?"

"The hot chocolate," Draco muttered "I never ask, yet you always make it anyway, I love you for that, the small things you do for me." Draco was clearly out of it and on the verge of sleep so Harry just stayed quiet.

He loved Draco with all his heart and would make him hot chocolate everyday if he had to. Draco never needs to ask, and Harry's quite alright with that.

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dedicated to Thatbooklover16 they've literally helped me with this a lot, you should definitely read their works :)

art credit : her page has been deleted i think but it was @arminarmou.t

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