Part 4- Last Mission

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Sang's POV

I entered my hiding place. This place was under the name of an alias that I had never used. The house was a cute cottage with a secret basement. Being a ghostbird has its perks, but right now my heart was breaking. The nine men that I love would be hunting me now that they know my true identity. I wanted to beat myself up. Why would I ever think that I could have a happily ever after?

Maybe my stepmother was right. I was a unlucky bitch from a bastard and a whore. Her voice swam inside my head. I was worthless. I was a nobody. I wan unloved and beaten because no one noticed and cared about my bruises or scars. I was someone who only brought death and anger and hatred to whoever dared to love me.

I looked at the box that sat next to the wall. I opened the lid and stared at the contents inside. Stacks of money that I had stolen from Volto before I left sat at the bottom, and on top were the priceless combs. The ruby jewels gleamed in the dim light. Next to the combs was an outfit. It was black leather with a hood and mask. I touched the fabric. This was my last mission before I disappear. I only had to put this armor on one more time before Tremors disappears from this world.

Five minutes I was clothed in my suit. The leather and black clothes felt foreign but started too feel familiar. I put the cloth over my mouth and nose and pulled the hood over my head. The villain from a year back stared at me in the mirror. Sighing, I picked up the combs and walked to the garage upstairs. Pulling back the dusty tarp, I looked at my favorite mode of transportation. The black motorcycle gleamed in the light, and I ran a hand down the side of the machine. Sighing, I revved the engine before driving towards my destination.

Twenty minutes later, I stood in front of the pristine white mansion. With a swipe of my hand, the security camera were disabled and thee gates had opened. Quickly, I walked towards the doors picked the lock. Opening the door, I silently walked into the mansion. The alarm was already disabled from my recent hack. Those years with Mike left me with an ability to hack into almost anything.

I opened the familiar door that I remembered two years before. The doors to a room that Volto had barged his way into and looted. Pulling the combs from my bag, I placed the priceless artifacts on the empty dais. I sighed. The last artifact that Volto and I had stolen had finally been returned to its rightful place. Suddenly a shift in the air had me holding my breath.

"Sang," a familiar spoke.

I sighed. "Owen."

I looked over my shoulder to see the nine men standing in a v. At the front was Pyren. To his left were Sean, Nathan, Victor, and Silas. To his right were kota, Luke, Gabriel, and North. His silver eyes looked at me, but I looked away before I deciphered the look in his eyes. "Are you guys alright?"

Kota answered me. "Yeah. We just have bruises and cuts."

We went silent. I took a breath. "Answer one question."

I turned to look at them. They were all in their armor. Their armor was white with their favorite colors on the shoulders and down the front of their trench coats. White masks similar to mine covered the bottom of their faces, and their hoods were pulled over their heads. They nodded, and I spoke. "You knew?"

Guilt filled their eyes and they nodded. Tears filled mine and fell onto my cheeks and mask. "Why?"

Owen stepped forward, reaching a hand out. I stepped back from his touch and blocked my mind to prevent him from reading my thoughts. His silver eyes filled with hurt and he stepped back with slumped shoulders. "On that day a year ago, I read your mind and I saw your past. You were tortured and surrounded by evil. You did your best to do good but was always beat down. I read your mind that day and saw you wanting to be good. That's why I let you go, Rose. Then we saw you at that banquet and I wanted- no, needed- to talk to you. You drew me to you. At first, I just wanted to watch you, but then my brothers and I fell in love with you."

"We all did," Sean spoke. His green eyes from underneath his hood pleaded with me.

I looked away from his stare to see the others nodding. Their eyes were pleading with me. Gabriel stepped forward. His crystal blue eyes were filled with tears. "Trouble, I know what you want to do."

Anger filled me, and I glared at him. "And what am I going to do?"

He took off his mask, showing me his face. A cut marred his cheek but what attracted my attention was the sadness he showed. "You're going to disappear. You're going to leave us."

I lifted my mask from my face. I knew that a bitter smile was on my face. "You're right. I can't live with you anymore."

Nathan threw his mask off. "Why?"

I gave him a bewildered look. "Look at me. I'm Tremors. The most wanted villain! How can I stay with you guys?"

Kota's panicked eyes met his brothers before looking at me. "We can cover your past. We'll keep you safe."

I laughed. It wasn't one of happiness but of bitterness and sadness. "Keep me safe? I don't know how I can live with you guys as myself. I need to leave to find myself."

Silas spoke. "You can't do that with us?"

I shook my head. "When I was a child, I was beaten by my stepmother. When I escaped, I joined Volto who belittled me. After leaving him, I met you guys. You guys gave me happiness, but I wasn't happy with myself. I need to find myself to be happy."

Victor looked at me with solemn eyes. The fire from his eyes were gone, and it felt odd. "You'll come back?"

I looked away. "I hope so. I don't know when."

North growled before stomping towards me. Before I could back away, he grabbed me and pulled me into his arms. Gentle and warm arms wrapped around me. His voice was hoarse with emotions he didn't want to release. "Whether it's a month, a year, or ten years from now, I'll wait for you, Baby. I love you."

Tears spilled down my cheeks. "I love you, too, my star. I'll come home,"

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