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3,831 words

|the mcu world|

Chris' POV

The wind has stilled, no longer blowing the leaves at my feet or the ones still clinging to the trees above my head. It's perfectly still. The sky has filled with dark clouds, a storm no doubtably just on the horizon.

This is a trick, plain and simple. It has to be. Would it even be possible for these two to exist in the same world without it collapsing? The reality stone burns in my palm, I wince, tightening my fist I have it tucked inside. Is this the work of the stone? A trick it's playing on reality around me? Maybe it's giving me what I want, for a price I just don't know about yet.

It doesn't concern me much, my fixation on the disheveled Sebastian. There's faint bags under his eyes, his shorter brown hair messier than I've ever seen it. There's even a few holes and cuts in his shirt and jeans. What the hell has he been through to get here?

He stands a few feet away, lips pressed together in a thin line, eyebrows furrowed, jaw clenched. He's pissed, that much is obvious, arms folded over his chest. He saw us kissing, or rather, Bucky kissing me. He knew something was going on, confessed his feelings in the hopes that it'd stop. I meant to end it, I was just about to, honestly. But after what he just saw, would he believe me?  "Chris? Is that really you?" He's hesitant to ask, taking a cautious step forward. His eyes keep glancing at Bucky, but never for long, focused more on me.

His voice is an exact match for Bucky's, obviously. Because Sebastian is him in the films, but here they happen to be two completely separate people. I knew that, but seeing it? That's a whole new ballgame. It's different though, hearing him speak gives me a different feeling than Bucky's does. I swoon over Sebastian's, while I melt over Bucky's. I got it bad for both of 'em, and now both are in reach and I'm completely torn.

I step forward, but Bucky grabs my wrist, tugging me back to his side, "This can't be real, Chris. It's just a sick joke." He passionately urges me to believe, placing his hands to my face, forcing my head forward to face him, his voice wavering. He doesn't even believe his claim, breath hitching as I meet his saddened stormy blues, "Please don't." he pleads, teeth gritting together, bottom lip quivering, "Don't leave me."

I place my hands over his, running my fingers along his skin. My heart aches for the moments we had earlier, the ones we'll never get back. It's the end of that, of us. But I don't want it to be, as twisted as that may make me. Letting him go is the hardest thing I've ever had to do. "Bucky I-"

"Chris?" Sebastian says again, tone more urgent than before. Bucky's eyes bore into me, pleading for me to stay. "Fuck, I'm coming over there, this is stupid." Sebastian grumbles, the sound of leaves crunching beneath his feet as he moves filling my ears.

Bucky's nostrils flare as he curses under his breath, removing his hands from my face and looking away, stepping back as he makes eye contact with Sebastian. "This is pretty trippy." He notes, swallowing slowly as the pair size each other up. Seeing them together is another kind of strange, they appear to be twins instead of the same person. Bucky's long hair and metal arm make it look more like the Winter Soldier glaring at 1940s Bucky, making my stomach churn. I'm going to be sick.

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