First Dream

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I’m surrounded by rubble, the remains of a recently demolished building. I could tell it was recent since there was no grass or plants in the area of the building itself. It was a very lonely place; I could hear no cars or any city noise. All I could hear was the laughter and talk of my friends. Being 20 years old, I presume my friends had the same age, we decided to remember our childhood and play hide and seek in that shattered spot. We didn’t decide who would go seek, we just ran to a spot. I stood behind a broken wall that was about a foot tall, there was a huge cement boulder over it, creating a coarse slide, so to speak. I peeked over and saw everyone running away, but from whom? Nobody was chasing anyone, and their screams seemed of fear, not fun. I stood up and tried to climb up the boulder, but I would keep falling. They had already disappeared from my vision and I gave up. After I rubbed the teeny pebbles off my hands I turned around and saw a seven foot tall man towering over in front of me. He wore a suit and was extremely thin, as I looked up I saw he had no face at all: no eye sockets, no nostrils, no ears, no mouth, nothing. I stared blankly at him, my head slightly tilted and I felt he was staring back at me as well. Maybe ten, twenty, thirty seconds passed before any reaction happened. I finally opened my arms and hugged him, happily yelling like a child.


His long disproportionate arms hugged me back warmly; I had no reason to fear him at all.


I heard a voice speak inside my head. I looked up puzzled. Had he spoken to me telepathically?

“You can read my mind?” I spoke.

“Yes, this is how I communicate.” Again his warm voice resonated in my head.

We walked away from the ruins and somehow ended up in a city park that was still too quiet for a city; strangely I did not mind the silence. We spoke for what seemed hours, and what I can remember of the conversation is very vague. I recall him mentioning that fear and screams uncomforted him, turning him angry and aggressive, causing the death of these people. Fearlessness and friendliness would pretty much keep you safe if these intentions were real, not attempts to survive or escape a vile fate. After a long while, sitting on a bench next to him, I stood up.

“I have to go.”

Then he stood up and nodded. I hugged him and walked away, crossing the street. Upon reaching the other side I looked back and waved at him. His long arm waved back at me, and with a smile I walked. As soon as I looked forward again I awoke in my bed. It had all been a dream, a pleasant dream actually.

            The whole day I could not stop thinking about what I had dreamt. Perhaps it was my recent obsession with the character, watching walkthroughs of the game “Slender”, and funny videos of people dressed up as him. I talked to my family; joyfully telling them about the Slender Man. Fear would not even pop into my mind.

The Truth and Fear of the Slender ManWhere stories live. Discover now