Chapter 17 : Please don't push me away.

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Sora had climbed into the bed next to Riku, turning on his side and closing his eyes to try and fall asleep. Unfortunately, that was more difficult than he had thought it would be.

Thinking about what had happened today, the mere fact he was lying next to Riku here, made it almost impossible to drift into a calm sleep. His thoughts simply kept wandering off to the man next to him, making his heart beat fast, loud, making it beat with excitement, with joy.

It might have been a bit silly to react that strongly, they weren't even touching after all. But to Sora, it still felt nice to know they were sharing the least of intimacy. To know Riku trusted him enough to even sleep in the same bed as him.

Yet again, it made him realize just how much he enjoyed the presence of the silverette, how much he enjoyed being next to him, how he would love to deepen their relationship, get even closer to him, both physically and psychologically. How much he adored the way they interacted with each other.

However, he was not used to feeling that way towards others, especially after only a week or so. Yes, he was the type to make friends rather quickly, but to this extent? No, this was different. Riku was different. These feelings... Were different. Stronger. Deeper. More inner and pure.

Was he allowed to call this... Love..?

Was that possible? It seemed like a plausible and logical answer, did it not? The way he felt flustered when seeing Riku smile, even making his heart feel all warm and fuzzy, it would make sense.

His acting around around the silverette as well. It was so much more natural, following his insiticts, sometimes even getting carried away to stare at his friend with curious eyes. Following the elegant movements of his delicate hands, only to imagine what it would feel like to have them wrapped around his own waist, pulled into a tight embrace.

He was not sure what these feelings meant, he wanted to be certain before making any conclusions that might end up as wrong later. Both for himself and Riku as well. He himself did not know how much time there was left after all. How many moments Were left before... his time on this island would be up.

Although he did not know how the taller thought about all this, he knew one thing for certain; He wanted to find out. He wanted to find out what these feelings meant and whether Riku was feeling it too.

Listening to the restless turning of his friend next to him, he guessed his sleep was not going very well. He was about to turn around and check up on him, when the sounds suddenly stopped, a soft moving of the bed and then the warmth of the silverette's body near his own following. Did Riku just come closer?

Surprised about this action, Sora opened his eyes and put his hand on his heart, which was now beating slightly quicker for some reason. He pulled his legs up a little. Was he supposed to react in any way? Maybe he should scoot close to the other as well, maybe he-

"... Sora?..."

Sora held his breath. Riku's voice was quiet. It sounded so helpless and weak that Sora threw away his own current thoughts, concentrating on his words.

".. Are you... Awake..?

Should he answer? Show he was not asleep? He could not figure out whether the bigger male was hoping him to still be sleeping or not. Sora wanted to comfort him for whatever the reason of his sadness was, but at the same time learn about his vulnerablities, hoping to find out more about him.

That sounded very cunny and deceitful, and it was. After all it was not the brunette's right to interfere with Riku's business and he also should not use any tricks to take advantage of their situation. But he could not help it, sometimes Sora was simply acting on impulse, often regretting his choices afterwards.

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