Chapter 15 : (Love)sick

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Riku was standing in the bathroom, burying his face into the hoodie Sora just gave him. His face was red blushing, this situation was just too much for him. Sora had called him handsome and it made his heart beat faster than it should.

' Just what did I get myself into?... I think I am addicted..', he thought. Sora was like a drug to him. Just minutes ago he had been pathetically sitting on this bench, crying his eyes out and now he was laughing.

He made his way to the shower, taking off his clothes and putting them on the shelf next to the sink. Now that he wasn't wearing them anymore, he noticed Sora was right. They really were sweaty and they also did not smell... Well, nice anymore.

He took a look into the mirror that was hanging on the wall above the same sink and stared into red, exhausted eyes. It was almost painful for him to look at himself in such a state, but luckily he would get to wash his body now and with that hopefully let his eyes look alive again.

He stepped into the shower and turned on the the water, flinching when the still cold water hit his body, but not stepping away from it. He waited it out, feeling how it got slowly warmer until it had reached a comfortable temperature.

Now there were surprisingly many shampoos to choose from, it seemed like the people in this house liked to smell different every day. It was completely different from his own home where he had only one bottle for his body while the other was meant for his hair.

Riku didn'treally know what to pick, he went through the bottles with a face of uncertainty until one scent caused him to stop. It was a soft smell, reminding him of spring and the way the cold morning breeze would send shivers down your spine while the bright morning sun tickled your face with warmth. It was Sora's scent, a truly sweet temptation.

Having decided that this was the shampoo he was gonna use, the silverette started washing his hair while Sora was preparing everything in his room, also talking to his parents. He simply told them Riku was a friend and they were happy to let him stay for the night, since they would have no school the next day anyway.

When the taller had finished his shower after washing his body, he felt extremely refreshed, yeah, even good. Though he was questioning himself for these thoughts, he was happy to have this wonderful scent sourrounding him all the time. It had a rather calming, maybe even hypnotising effect on him.

He put on the hoodie and the underwear and took a look into the mirror. His eyes were not as red and puffy anymore, only a small swell from the crying had stayed behind. Sora was even kind enough to give him a new toothbrush so he could brush his teeth and it made him feel way cleaner.

The hoodie was, well, he would be lying when he said it wasn't comfortable as hell but the way the little creature on it was staring back at him made him sweat. He felt like it was staring right into his soul, or maybe he was overreacting..?

Taking a judging look at his hair, he was debating on whether to dry it with a simple towel or try a little harder. But nah, it could dry over the night. Riku really wasn't feeling like putting much effort into it.

So he hung a towel over his head and gathered all his stuff, taking one last look through the room to make sure he did not forget anything. Then he opened the door and stepped outside, feeling cold air sourround his body immediately, especially his head due to the wet hair.

The silverette made his way back to Sora's room, the sound of his naked feet touching the ground with every step quietly following him. The door stood open and when he was about to enter, there was a movement that stopped him, a scene that raised his interest high enough to cause him to halt.

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