Chapter 7 : Why Bother?

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Vanitas was about to send a strong punch at Roxas's chin, when suddenly someone grabbed his fist, stopping it from hitting.

'Now, that's not very nice. Bad boys don't get far.'

Vanitas got slight shivers at hearing the voice. It was calm but so tough at the same time.

He let go of Roxas who sunk to the ground again and turned around. In front of him stood a very tall male with red hair.

He was keeping a tight grip around Vanitas's fist, not letting go anytime soon.

Vanitas stared into the deep green eyes of the person in front of him. They were stone hard, filled with anger and hate.

The black haired boy didn't give in to the hard expression.

'And who might you be?', he chuckled, ' his guardian or something? Heh, Can't little Roxas take care of himself?'

Axel laughed, not trying to hide that it was a fake laugh at all. He pretended to wipe away a tear in his eye.

'Haaah.. Funny joke.', he then suddenly punched Vanitas in his face, sending him to the ground with a thud. The other boys watched in shock, unable to move a single muscle.

He took a few steps towards him and looked down at him.

'Now, we can do this the easy way: You take your buddies here and leave. We can act like all this never happened if you do only one little thing, stop bothering Roxas.'

Vanitas was holding his chin, testing whether everything was still functional and grinned.

' What if I refuse? Are you gonna call your mommy? '

Axel bowed down to Vanitas's level and stared at him with wide widened eyes.

' Then we do this the hard way. And when I'm through with you, you'll wish you never met Roxas. Then you better not show yourself around him ever again. If you do.. Let's just say I leave that to your fantasies.'

Vanitas gulped, intimidated by Axel's expression. It felt like he was staring right into his soul, like he knew everything Vanitas was thinking.

'That's enough, Axel.'

Another person appeared, getting everyone's attention and causing Axel to stand up.

It was, again, a very Tall male. But instead of red hair, he had brown hair which also was shorter than Axel's. The man was older than the rest of them and his voice was deep.

' I think he got your point. Now would you back off a little please?', he turned at the other boys, 'you should leave too.'

They nodded and quickly left, not wanting to get any problems, while Axel thankfully smiled at the man.

'Thank you for being here, teach. Just in case it would have gotten worse.'

He then ran towards Roxas, leaving him and Vanitas behind.

Vanitas looked at the ground, embarrassed of himself. Then he quietly said something.

'Terra... I'm- I'm sorry..'

'Vanitas. I thought we had been through this.'

Vanitas nodded, shame on his face.

Terra was a teacher at this school and taught geography. For some reason, he was the only one Vanitas listened to. When Terra was around, he acted like a whole different person.

That's because Terra had always been taking care of Vanitas, he was like his big brother, a father figure. He was understanding and kind to him.

Terra stepped next to Vanitas and helped him up, dusting the dirt off his clothes.

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