45| M a s o n

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You can tie me up in chains
You can throw away the key
But there's no trap doors
I'm not gonna leave
You're the truth I can't explain
You're the only one I see
It's not an illusion to me

-Illusion, One Direction

-Illusion, One Direction

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45| Mason

It was a month before graduation. Everything in Mason's life was finally falling into place.

Mason walked in the park with a smile on his face. James and Timothy was swinging by both his arms and Raine was playing in the sand pit. Mason had come to Hillfar for a visit. Also, emergency babysitting.

In school, Mason no longer had to show off any facade. He had no labels now. He was who he was and he didn't care about what others thought about him.

Mallory had been acting like the annoying nagging little sister she always was. Mason still had to buy a box of chocolate ice cream for her yesterday. Although he thought it should be Bryan who should do it.

Bryan was carrying out all other boyfriend duties quite heartedly. But what these two never thought of, was Mason. They never thought for once how Mason would feel when they would do tongue wrestling right in front of him. It scarred Mason for his life.

Other than that, he had no problem with them. Neither did he had any problem when Jack pranked Bryan as an welcome back to the group. Bryan would always remember the taste of Toothpaste Oreos and Paprika coke.

So a major prank war was on it's way and like always Mason was on both teams.

Mason would be back home soon to help Bryan to get revenge on Jack. He had a lot of works to do.

• • •

Mason looked at his rearview mirror. He pushed his brown hair up and the scar showed. He liked to keep his hair that way, or maybe it had something to do with Evelyn.

As he entered the hall, a few people nodded at him and he nodded back. He even smiled at some of them who were close acquaintance. Like, Stanley who was having problem with his English essays. Stanley used 'crap' and 'shit' too many times in his essay that Mason had to emit it all out for him and replace it.

Mason actually was savoring the last moments here in his high school. Though, Mr.Pit still hated his guts, Mason tried his best to enjoy his classes. So was the case with other teachers. There were a few who Mason would miss. That list included Maisie too.

Mason made his way towards his locker.

There stood the most beautiful girl in the whole freaking universe.

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