7 - The Unkown Number

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"Ughhhh Liam I can't do this anymore, let's do something!!" I yell loudly from my room. I had been locked up trying to focus on my homework, especially since I was trying to keep my mind off Evan but it really wasn't working. Why was he so cold to me and where did he disappear to after the fire drill went off? I hadn't heard anything from Lia since the encounter with Michelle and I could tell that she needed some space. I hear Liam run into my room and plop himself onto my bed. Rolling my eyes I turned my chair so I was facing him.

"So, are we doing something?" I asked him. Please, please please say yes.

"Yeah, we haven't done anything in so long" He replied.

"Ok, so what do we do?"

"I don't know... you called for it so you choose." He replies fast. I groan.

"That's not fair, I don't want to choose!" I exclaim.

"Do I look like I care?" Suddenly an amazing idea came to me. Smiling widely and slightly creepily I looked at him.

"So. I get to choose what we do?" I asked him with my really wide smile.

"Umm yeah..." I smile even wider.

"Perfect." I get up and start rummaging through my closet.

"Uhhhhh Nyra.. you're scaring me." He looks at me scared slightly.

"Oh don't worry Liam, you're going to love this game.." Finally having completed my search I found what I had been looking for. This would change everything. It was silver and polished, with a beautiful control. With an evil laugh, I walked towards him and sat in front of him on my bed. I put the precious item in between us.

"Are you ready Liam?"

Liam looked down at the item and smirked.

"I was born ready!"

So for the next hour, we battled robots against one another. Liam had a red and silver robot and I had a blue silver robot. We had gotten this for our birthday when we were 15 from one of my grandparents. Apparently, it was the hype at the time, but I wouldn't know. Dinner time had rolled along and we decided to get Chinese takeout. Deciding on the Chinese takeout was a whole task in itself because I wanted Thai but he wanted Chinese. In the end, he traded me his chocolate for the Chinese and I reluctantly agreed. Finally, after finishing dinner we were back to battling robots. Mine was winning 3-2 but I could tell he was catching up.

Nyra this is the perfect time to ask him about Evan!

Ooh, good thinking inner voice. After some time I gathered the courage to ask him about Evan but it didn't really go too well. In fact, it went a little something like this:

"Soo... Liam, I heard you're good friends with Evan right?"


"Has he, by any chance spoken about, you know, your sister?"

"I don't know." By this point, I was getting frustrated. It was time to pull out the big guns.

"Jeez, Liam has he said anything about me?!" He paused from trying to beat my robot and looked up. He looked at me for a minute debating whether he should tell me or not but went back to the robots.

"Are you serious?! You're not going to tell me anything?" I exclaimed

"Nope. We live by the bro code. Sorry, sis." I groaned in annoyance and beat his robot once and for all. I threw the controller on the ground and jumped into my bed.

"Get out, I'm tired." I gestured for him to leave. Grumbling under his breath he left the room but not after casting me an angry look.

"Close the damn door behind you Liam" I yelled.

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