8 - You already had the big 18!

18 2 1


I threw the covers off my bed and shot straight up. Groaning I opened my eyes and tried to adjust to the light. Who the heck was revving their engine so loudly? I turned to my table and tried to find my phone. Damn what time was it? Taking a hold of my phone I turned it on and the brightness hit me. With squinting eyes, I turned my brightness down and finally managed to check the time. 7:00! Oh no. I'm late!! I ran out of bed and grabbed my clothes. I ran inside the bathroom in a hurry and got ready as quick as I could. After getting ready I grabbed my bag and sprinted to the kitchen to grab at least somewhat of a breakfast. While I was grabbing the OJ from the fridge I noticed something on the fridge.

Lia and I left for school, tried to wake you up but you weren't budging. Breakfast is on the stove and grab some OJ from the fridge. Also, the therapist called said you didn't show up yesterday. Rescheduled for next week, if you don't go I'll literally drag you using rope, talk more tonight - Liam.

I think that the sleeping pills might have had a greater effect than I would've liked, resulting in me being late. Wait, but if Liam and Lia had already left, who had been outside? I walked out to where the noise had been coming from and spotted a beautiful motorbike. My jaw dropped in awe and I couldn't help but marvel at the sheer beauty of it. The rider was wearing a leather jacket with leather gloves and a beautiful helmet. He revved the engine one more time and slowly took off his helmet. As the helmet came off, he slowly shook his head and ran his hand through his beautiful curly hair. He turned to look at me and I could see the beautiful green lovely eye -

"Hey Wally, take a picture. It'll last longer!" I hear him yell. I snap out of my daze and start blushing. Damn, he caught me checking him out.

"Who said I was staring at you?" I yell back.

"You did Wally. Just now!" He looked so proud of himself. "Now get your ass on this bad boy so we can get to school on time." He said patting his motorcycle.

"Alright, I'll just lock up really quickly," I responded. I went back to the front door and locked it. Then with my bag, I cautiously made my way towards the motorbike. I slung my right foot over the motorbike seat and pulled myself onto it. I rested my foot on the footrest when Evan handed me an extra helmet that he brought. I took the helmet and put it on my head.

"You might want to hold on to me Princes, this bike travels fast." He said smugly. I crossed my arms and huffed.

"No, it's ok. I got it." I moved my hands to the back of the bike where there was a sliver holding thingy and held on there.

Evan shrugged. "Suit yourself then." And with another VROOM he started the bike. I was thrown forward and instinctively my arms went around his torso.

Evan chuckled. "I told you so."

I could feel his abdominal muscles and how they seemed to clench where my hands were resting. I looked up from his back and looked around at the fast-moving features. The color of the trees going from green to orange to red, the small park with a pond, the forest looming ahead of us, the road glittering from the sun's reflection. The wind was in my hair and I let out a whoop.

Evan let out a small laugh and thrust a fist in the air. I saw the fist and instinctively I pulled his hand down.

"Pay attention to the road" I scolded him.

"Alright, then missy."

After some time we finally pulled into the school parking lot and he parked the bike. I got off and took the helmet off in a dramatic manner, moving my head from side to side letting my hair down. I felt Evan's eyes on me and a shiver ran through my body.

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