3- It's like the floor is my best friend

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Wow, my body is in serious pain right now. With as much as I could muster, I pry my eyes open and slowly blink adjusting. Looking around I realize I ended up sleeping on the floor last night which is why my body felt like it was being run over by a truck over and over again. I finally managed to get up and stretched out my muscles as to try and get rid of the soreness. I walked over to the mirror to take on my hair crisis when I saw how disheveled I looked. Looks like first, it's the showers.

After getting ready I sat at the breakfast table chewing on a piece of toast. Liam was nowhere to be seen, so I called Lia and asked her to pick me up. After my measly piece of toast, I decided to go and check up on mom quickly. Walking over to her room my mind began to wander to different places, trying to figure out why mom was here. As I approached her room I saw that there was a trail of liquid leading up to her room which looked suspiciously like beer.

"Mom! Mom you in there?" I knocked and yelled. No response. Acting on impulse, I just walked in and the smell just hit me. I started gagging and covered my nose so I wouldn't have to smell it. There were pills and weird-looking liquids lying around her room, half-empty bottles scattered on the floor and what looked like a hookah pipe in the corner. Where did she even get that? The covers were thrown around and I walked towards the bathroom that was attached when I realized what the smell was. I came back into the room and couldn't see her anywhere which fueled my anger. She was not allowed to just come in the house whenever she needed, trash it, and then leave again not appearing for weeks.

Grumbling my mood turned horrible, I started cleaning the mess she had made. Halfway through Lia arrived and started ringing the doorbell. I went and opened the door.

"I got to clean up the mess that my mom made, can you just give me a couple more minutes?"

"I can help, if I do it'll go twice as fast." I couldn't deny what she said was correct. After debating over it for a couple of minutes, I gave in and said yes.

"Fine but the mess is different from what you think." I took her hand and guided her to where we had to finish cleaning. As soon as her eyes set on all the drugs and bottles in the room her eyes became wide and she put her hands over her mouth.

"Nyra, why didn't you ever tell me your mom was a druggie?" She looked at me with a little hurt in her eyes.

I shrugged. "She's never home so I didn't find the need to." I started to clean and soon after she began to help me, in complete silence.

The ride to school was an awkward one filled with tension and silence as I comprehended the fact that Lia had just seen what happened. We reached school just before the late bell rang and I rushed out of her car, turning around waving goodbye. Panting I ran to my locker and started to grab all my things for the first class. After I had everything I began to full-on sprint to reach my classroom in time when suddenly I run into a wall and fall down. It takes me a second to realize that I fell and when I do, I start groaning in pain. First waking up on the floor, cleaning the floor and now I've fallen onto the floor. It's like the floor is my best friend.

I start getting up and packing my things when a hand appears in my view. I look up and come face to face with the most mesmerizing eyes I've ever seen. Eyes like I've never seen before, green like an emerald with small specs of hazel in them. They held a high degree of intelligence and I could tell whoever had these eyes would also be incredibly good looking. With this thought, I started blushing and grabbed the hand. Green eyes help me up and started to collect the books and papers that had fallen. I watched him in awe, his muscles contracting and relaxing, his curly brown hair that had so much bounce I also began to wonder what shampoo he used. Snickering at that I decided I should probably help him collect my things and we do that in silence. Finally, after what seems like ages I have all my things in my bag when the realization hits that Green eyes must have seen me run into a wall and fall straight on my butt.

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