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Izuku Midoriya

I got my grades back finally! It's been six weeks, twoish months, and now the first grading period has ended! I ran inside to tell my mom and wasn't surprised to see Mr Yagi on the couch, he had been around a lot more often recently, "Mom I got my grades back!" I don't know where she is so yelling seems effective.

"Exciting!" Mom said as she came out of the kitchen wearing a yellow apron I bought her last week. She shared a look with Mr Yagi, sometimes they had conversations without opening their mouths which is weird, "Well?" Oh right! Mom had her hand out and I handed her the envelope with my grades in it, I always let Mom see my grades before I looked myself.

Mr Yagi came to stand behind mom and I couldn't help but bounce excitedly if I got the grades I wanted I could apply to be a TA and then help Shinso! Mom purposefully took forever to open the envelope and I whined, "Shhhh~" Mom giggled.

Eventually, she opened the envelope, she looked pleased but I couldn't really tell, "Izuku..." Oh no that sounds bad. Mom looked up with a serious expression and then burst out laughing, "I'm just playing! You should've seen your face!" She pinched my cheek and I whined some more, pulling her fingers off my face.

Mr Yagi looked at the paper inside the envelope as I struggled to keep mom's fingers off my other cheek, "Good grades, kiddo. Almost perfect scores." He nodded his head once and then handed me the envelope so I could look too. He was right, almost perfect grades! It must be because Kacchan helped me study for every important assignment and test, I hear he's top of his class or somewhere close to the top.

These grades meant I could do what I've been planning to do for weeks now, "Be right back!" I ran up to my room without waiting for either of them to reply. Quickly I booted up my computer and set my report card beside the keyboard. After it turned on probably four whole minutes later I went to the UA website and then to the TA application.

The application to be a TA looks long, it's not hard but it looks super-duper long. For the next forty minutes I dedicated myself to answering over fifty questions with excruciating detail, each reply seemed to have 500+ words but I wasn't counting. The questions were pretty generic, not hard at all, they asked about my grades and class among other things.

After I finished answering all of the questions, adding my personal and contact information, I entered the application. After it successfully sent I texted Shinso and Kacchan what I'd done and got two different responses. Shinso replied with another thumbs-up emoji and Kacchan replied by calling me, oh geez I hope it's not to yell at me. Kacchan rarely texts back he prefers calling but even so it makes me nervous.

I pressed the green button after steeling my nerves and held the phone a little bit away from my ear in case Kacchan started screaming, "Are you holding the phone away from your ear again?" Kacchan's voice asked through the phone, how does he always know what I'm doing and thinking?

Guiltily I brought the phone back to my ear, "Uh...not anymore." I told him quietly to try and not making him angrier, he seemed angry.

"Well good," Kacchan started in a calm tone that all but confirmed my suspicions on his anger, "BECAUSE YOU NEED TO HEAR HOW MUCH OF A GODDAMN IDIOT YOU ARE!" He screamed and I immediately ripped the phone from my ear, "WHY WOULD YOU APPLY FOR SOMETHING LIKE THAT?!"

"Because I want to, Kacchan!" I only realized I had raised my voice after I said it and then immediately lowered it, "S-Sorry I just-you yelled so I yelled I didn't mean to."

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