1. It's About to Begin

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I woke up with a slam on the snooze button on my phone. My dreams keeping me into the ever sinking spiral of my crushes eyes. Still, it was time to get ready. I quickly got out of bed and into the bathroom where I turned the water on and waited for the shower to steam. It was early Monday morning and I was not excited. I felt extremely tired due to the pile of homework my teachers gave me. By now your probably wondering who I am. Well, my name is Asher Maverick and I'm a senior in high school. I attend Talent Prep, a preparatory school deemed in looking for the brightest stars of the next generation. I've been enrolled in the school since sixth grade and I've been a major part of their arts and activism programs.

Eventually I get into the shower and shampoo and condition my hair to it's best. I get out of the shower soaking wet. I grab the towel hanging off of the bathtub and dry off. Sadly where I go to school is a school based on popularity and looks. You aren't anyone there without a sense of looking the best. That's why everyday I get up at 5:30, well that, and the fact that I live over 45 minutes from the school and like to look my best and pick up breakfast on the way. I finish drying off and look into the mirror, I spend a good ten minutes on my hair and then move onto the rest of my routine. I finish quickly however and decide to finish my AP Astronomy notes while waiting to leave.

After about 20 minutes I pack up my stuff, make my lunch, and rush out the door to my car, Gladice, yes I know funny name for a car. I turn the key and start the engine. I plug my AUX cord into my phone and hit shuffle on a random playlist. Lizzo comes blaring through the speaker and I head on my commute to school. I get to school about 15 minutes before the first bell rings and park in the arts parking lot in between my best friend Carmens car and my other best friend Melodys car. I look up to see Carmen jamming out to what I can only presume is Heathers and get out of my car. I grab my stuff, give a wave to Carmen and head to the studios to start warming up.


Dawson POV

I pull into my parking spot next to my moms car and head in towards her office in the main hall. This schools campus is huge, almost as big as a college campus. I get to her office and wave at the secretary who's preparing registration forms for new students. I walk in to my moms office and see her busily typing away at something that I don't understand. I turn and head to the locker rooms. I almost forgot, hi, I'm Dawson Chavez and I'm the star quarterback at Talent Prep. I'm a senior and dating the head cheerleader, not that anyone approves, especially my mom. I get to the locker rooms sooner then expected and see my girlfriend, Adriana, leaning against my locker waiting for me. I walk up to her and place a hand on her hip and another above her head while I kiss her deeply.

She's pretty with long brown hair, caramel skin, and brown deep eyes. I wouldn't say I'm in love with her and she wouldn't either, we do it for looks but I do care for her in more then a friend way. She looks up at me and smiles. She then turns to see my best friend Jackson and gives him a high-five. I turn and give him a bro hug, which is about as intimate as it gets. As I'm putting my stuff in my locker Adriana pipes up about something getting in the way of practices today.

"Coach told us this weekend that today we are watching the arts students first senior showcase dress rehearsal for the summer quarter. I'm gonna be so bored." She says unenthusiastically. I hide a smile, I always liked watching them rehearse, I love watching their creativity come to life. I decide to head to my first period, which surprisingly was "Intro to the Industry" an arts class. I walk there slowly and end up arriving right when the first bell rings. I don't really pay attention, I just look out in the hallway seeing all the musical theater students warming up. Then over the announcements they announce for all seniors to leave class and head to the stage.

I get up quickly from my seat and head to the performing arts center, which is conveniently right across the hall from my class. I walk in and see that they put us into groups, the artists on the right, brainiacs on the left, and athletes in the center. I go and take a seat next to Jackson and wait for the show to begin. I know this would take most of the day because of notes for the students and to figure everything out. I wait quietly until the house lights drop and the curtain opens. The shows about to begin.

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