4. The Assignment

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Asher POV

After the incident in the cafe I go back over to my table and being to eat again. My friends and I chat about random stuff like usual. The bell rings over the cafeteria and the sounds of shuffling begins like it does with every start and end to lunch. I get up and walk to debate with my friends in toe. Once we get there we notice that each seat has a different name on it and that unfortunately none of us are seated near each other. I walk over to the seat I'm assigned, which was at the front and bottom of the lecture hall. I pull out my note book and flip through to a new page. I wait patiently until the final bell rings.

When the bell rings all the jocks come waltzing in and have a similar reaction as my friends did to the seats being chosen for us. I see that Dawson is walking my way and I plea silently that he's just confused. After what happened in the cafe today this was just going to make this awkward, especially since I scolded my crush. Not that he knows the last part. He comes and stands in front of the chair right next to mine and sits down reluctantly. I lean away from him and he sits just waiting for everyone to get into their seats. Once everyone is seated the teacher begins.

"Alright class, as you can see I sat you next to someone today. Now, this person is someone who you typically don't talk to. I wanted to start this year out with a partnering. Out in the world you will work with many people, this will help you train in partnerships. You are seated next to your partner for the rest of the year." At that everyone groaned except for Dawson and I who sat listening to the directions. "Your first project is a social justice one, they all vary in degree, but nonetheless they should be well thought out and debatable arguments. Why? Because another group has the same one as you. I have your envelopes up here if you want to come and get one."

I'm up and out of my seat before anyone and he gives me the one on top. To say I'm nervous to being partners with Dawson, is a huge understatement. I may like him but we aren't that similar. "Alright do you me to open it or do you want to." Dawson surprises me. He seemed tired, almost bored.

"I got it," I open it up and read our topic. It says 'parents should be allowed to choose their babies gender.' I turn and hand it to Dawson he reads it and groans.

"I don't want to do this topic." He says huffing.

"Well that's to bad because we have to. So, are we doing it at my house or yours?" I say annoyed by his response. I'm pretty sure we're going to have different opinions, which makes this oh so fun. Please note the sarcasm.

He looks over at me, "My house should work, if your down."

"That's fine by me. I'll meet you at your locker after school. Also, what slot is your car in, I'll try to find one and move my car." I state bluntly.

"I'm in slot 19, in office parking. They always leave 20 open for one of my friends, but today I told them to keep it open. It's all yours." He states kindly, which was a change of pace for me with him.

"Okay, thanks." I state back kindly like he did before. For the rest of class we sit in silence, and not a comfortable silence either.

At the end of the school day I head out to my car and move it to the exact spot Dawson told me to. When I get there I see that someone parked there and I groan in frustration. I drive around until I reach parking spot 31. I get out of my car and head towards Dawson's locker. When I get there I see him and his girlfriend, Adriana, making out against the locker. I feel a bit sad and jealous by the situation but I quickly recover and give a quick cough to signify my arrival. Dawson stops kissing her and turns to see me waiting patiently.

He leans down and kisses Adriana one more time and says goodbye and then leads me back towards the parking lot. I turn to see Adriana following behind and I wonder what she wants. We get out to the parking lot and he heads towards his car and I go to mine. I see Adriana go to the car next to Dawson's and immediately get angry. I try to cool down as I hop in my car. I drive down to see Dawson talking annoyed to Adriana. I soon get impatient and give a little honk to tell Dawson we need to go. He gets the cue and gets in his car. He pulls out of the spot and we head out towards his house. Once we're there we park and both get out of our cars. I follow him into his house.

It's big and open with nice neutral toned furniture and navy blue accents. I see him walk upstairs and follow behind. When I get upstairs I stop and look at the wall of photos hanging. I snap out of my trance and walk into his room to see him with his shirtless back facing the door. As he turns around he puts on his other shirt. I look around the room with a blush on my cheeks and see it's very much the opposite of downstairs. He has Navy blue everything with neutral colored tones. He has a bed in the center and a tv mounted on the wall with a desk and dresser on opposite walls. I look around and see him sitting at his desk waiting for me to take a seat. I sit silently and wonder what this project has in store.

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