5. The Bet

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Hey hey hey; I know its been a while since last updated, but after many days of writers block and planning, it's finally ready to be read. So read a way my people.


Dawson POV

Asher slowly sat on my bed and I watched him carefully. He still looked around the room quietly until his eyes landed on mine. For a split second I could see his cheeks heating up and I could feel mine heating up to. We look away from each other and he grabs out our project. He inspects the project once again and then sighs. "I'm pretty sure you and I will have different opinions on this, I know what I believe but I don't know what your thinking." He states, I nod and I understand where he's coming from. Though, I do believe we have similar views on the topic.

"Well, in all honesty it's the child's choice in the end I guess. I mean, the parent can think they can chose the kids gender but some people aren't born in the right body, right." I state, it's the truth on what I believe and Asher looks stunned.

"That's almost exactly what I was thinking, along with the idea that it gives the kid a safer environment to figure out their identity with little to no judgement." He states with a twinkle in his eye, that I could get used to seeing. I shake the thought out of my head.
We then get ready to research for our project and it becomes homework central. After about two hours Asher packs up his stuff and we both head out to go eat and then from there part ways. I follow him back into town and we eat at Panera.

We sit there laughing and talking, the jock and the thespian, getting along better then most would assume. He definitely is passionate and to say less is a crime. He talks about dance and theater like it's the stars and moon. We talk about my football and basketball seasons. It's nice to have someone who is willing to listen about what I love then just talking about what they want or need. After an hour Asher gets up and says he has to go, which he apologizes for and rushes out. I sit back and wonder what happened but nonetheless I get up and walk out and head back home.


The next Monday I get to school and head straight for my locker. While walking I see Asher sitting next to a guy who I believe is named Leo, he's a musician. Leo quickly looks to see if anyone was watching and then whispers something in Ashers ear. Asher laughs quietly and whispers something back, this happens a couple more times. It's bothering me in some way, but I don't understand why. I hear the bell ring across the halls and I decide to head to Intro to the Industry. Soon enough the day flies by and it's time for lunch.

I grab my lunch and sit down at my usual table. Soon everyone else joins and we start talking about the upcoming party tomorrow, that unfortunately I won't be attending due to the project. Jackson gets my attention by snapping his fingers in front of my face.

"Stop doing that."

"We have a bet for you," Jackson says and I look up to see the entire team and cheer squad looking up at me.

"Okay... what is it," I say curious to what they have come up with this time.

"You should try to get Asher Maverick to fall for you. Take him out, date him we don't give a fuck about it. Just make it happen." Jackson says with an almost evil grin.

"What? Guys, that's so cruel, I know you guys dislike him but that's just mean." I contemplate the proposal, it would have to get serious.

"You didn't say no. Some part of you wants to do this, we can see that." I start thinking about it again, it's not the worst and I can figure out these feelings without needing to officially coming out. Deep down I know I shouldn't even be considering it. I chose my next words carefully.

"You guys don't mind, even with a guy." Everyone shakes their head no and I sigh. I'm going to regret this forever, I'm sorry Asher. "I'll do it."

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