3. 100 Yards

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Dawson POV

After the arts students finished the rest of the seniors left the auditorium. I walked slowly behind my team and looked around for Adriana. I looked up to see her talking to the cheer coach. I waved at her and she waved absently back. I finally get out of the theater and head to my locker. I have debate next and I'm not excited, in fact it's probably my least favorite class I have. I head over there and think I'm the first one in the room because I get there right as the bell rings. I look for a spot when I see Asher Maverick, Carmen Wittmen, Melody Orben, Beatrice Monza, and Jenna Douglas. They are the most influential arts students, along with a few others. Asher is probably the most noticeable. He is the only guy who leads the arts department, but he's also one of the smartest kids in the school. He is tall about 6'1, has wheat blonde hair that curls perfectly, and gray eyes though most would say he has blue or green. Asher is also known for having some of the best fashion sense, he even out shines Adriana in that area. He already has is notes out and is scrolling through his phone. I pull my eyes away from that area of the room and find a seat.

After everyone's in, the teacher gives us our prompt for debate today. I immediately write that mobile devices should be allowed because they helps us with time management and give us more connections. After five minutes the teacher tells us to debate, all the athletes and STEM students are arguing while the art students sit back and listen. Usually I'd be debating with everyone else but today I'm watching as the art students sit taking notes during the debate. I turn and see the teacher watching them to and wonder what he's thinking on why they haven't started talking.

Soon enough the bell rings and we are dismissed. I walk out with my arm around Adriana's shoulder as we head to the locker rooms. I go into the guys locker room and get ready for practice. Tonight our practice is for an extra hour then originally scheduled. I finish changing and head to the field where coach starts us with drills. I internally groan, I hate drills. I start to sweat to the point were my shirt is pointless so I take it off and throw it towards the bleachers. Coach calls us in and has us run plays. We run back out and get into our positions for the plays and go. I look up after about three plays to see Asher snapping photos of practice. He's looking at the players almost lost in a way. He then shakes his head and heads to the cheerleading practice.

After a good half hour coach dismisses us and we run back into the locker room. I'm the first in and first out. I don't talk to anyone while getting ready or when I leave. I head to the front office until I see that most of the arts rooms have lights on and music coming from them. I see Beatrice walking out of one of the dance studios and Jenna out of one of the art rooms. I give a wave which Jenna returns and Beatrice ignores. I shrug and look around to see Melody and the art teacher in another art room working with music playing loudly. I continue my venture around and find Carmen running a musical theater piece with the music director. I once again continue until I come to another dance studio and see Asher in there running a piece. I read on the sign that says it's to "I Get To Love You" by Ruelle. I stand and watch him flow to the melody of her vocals. I see him doing turn after turn and leap after leap. He's talented that's for sure.

I realize that the song comes to an end and I quickly head back toward the office to get to my car. Once I'm outside I get to my car and sit there, thinking of the dance piece. I look up to see Ashers car driving off and out the parking lot, which I take as my cue to leave. I drive home silently, just listening to the sound of the cars rushing by. I finally get home and enter the house. I go up to my room and flop down onto the bed. I drift in and out of sleep until I let the tiredness in my body take over.

I wake up to the sound of someone banging on my bedroom door, "Dawson time to get up or you'll be late." My dad shouts. I roll out of bed and hop in the shower. Once I'm done with all that, I go and finish getting ready. I run downstairs and grab some food that was waiting.

"Morning dad." I say sleepily.

"Morning. Be safe on the roads." He says gruntingly. With that I leave and head out to my car and drive off to school. I get to school 15 minutes early as usual and do my same routine as before, say hi to mom, greet my friends, go to class. Same thing everyday. Some days I wish for change, something different, something new. After my midday practice I head to lunch. When I sit I look around to see everyone talking and socializing. I start to eat when I hear a loud crash. I look up to see Jackson and the rest of my friends laughing at some poor kid who tripped and drop their lunch all over the floor. I try to remain calm and pray no one else gets involved. Of course the universe is cruel and chooses the one person who can end this like no one else.

"Hey jackass or whatever the hell your name is, clean up the mess you made. It's clear you tripped him, it must be sad when that becomes your only hobby. Also, why don't you get him another lunch because that was a waste of food." Asher steps in and saves the kids day.

"Asher, stay out of this, this doesn't concern you. Why would you even wanna help this little fag anyway." Everyone gasps with the use of language and I look down guiltily. I know he's my team member and I'm his captain but I can't go against my best friend, especially with someone from a different talent. When I look up I make eye contact with Asher for a split second. His eyes were filled with flames and I knew this was going to get bad. Asher grabs Jackson by the collar and shoves him against the table.

"Next time you wanna use that language think twice or you'll end up with a bunch of feet up your ass. Any person who uses that word doesn't deserve an ounce of respect and it's clear you don't. Now why don't you and the rest of your jocks leave before anything else happens." He then turns and points at me, and now I'm scared of what's going to happen with me. "And you, your their captain, you need to be the one to make sure that your members are contained. If next time they aren't I'll have a very serious talk with your mom and trust me she might be your mom but she's the principal when she's here. Got it." I nod quickly and get up before telling my people to move and get out of the cafe. I look behind me when Adriana and I reach the door. I see Asher picking up the kid and buying him a new lunch. Some people are just natural helpers and leaders and Asher is the perfect example of one.

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