Author's Note and Updates

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Hey everyone reading this, I just wanted to say if you're reading this and it says six parts, then this is for you!!! If you're reading this and it has 33 parts continue on this is not for you, because the book should be finished!!!

Okay lovelies, I want to start by saying thank you for reading up this far. I truly am soooo thankful. I do have some sad news however. I won't be publishing the rest until it's finished. I know it sucks, trust me it was rough making this decision I truly do love this book and the plan for it is awesome. I've just realized it's not fair to sit back with so many ideas and not be able to put out a new part every other day or every week due to writers block.

I do want to say that this book will have tons of twist and turns and I'd love if once it's finished you came back and finished it. But for right now to give you the best content and writing I can do at my 15 year old state, I need more time. I do have a guess that it'll be done by the end of December early January. Mid January at the latest.

I'd also like to say that this book means so much to me and that the characters are all based off of someone I know. They are not exactly like them, but similar. This component makes the book ten times more personal, so that's why it's taking longer then planned. I do hope to have it finished soon. I already have some of the other chapters partly or completely done. I just don't have the next few ready, and so for that reason I'm putting this off for awhile though it is still in progress and will be completed

Thank you so much my sweethearts and I hope you understand. This is all for your better experience and also to relieve some unwanted stress of writing when I don't have great ideas. Especially around the time of finals. This is for my mental health and your enjoyment so thank you and please stay tuned for when I finish and release the rest of My Jock, My Thespian.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2019 ⏰

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