[18] Unsettled

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You wake Sunday morning, tired as heck, and probably two hours later than you would on any other Sunday. Last night was... long. And confusing. You want to talk to Yuffie about it, but after padding out of the bedroom and using the toilet, you find a note on the kitchen counter. "Rikku's brother Brother found out what we did and now we're in trouble. Will see you this afternoon. Kisses."

You don't understand exactly everything on the note... Rikku's brother brother? Is that code for something? An inside joke? No idea.

You do breakfast, and then lunch... sit around in your pajamas... wrap up some unfinished homework. Oh dear, this is boring. But it is Sunday, and Sunday means a call to mom, so call mom you do.




Nothing. You frown, but leave her a message, telling her you love her and you'll tell her all about the festival when you talk to her. Maybe you could try Reeve. You were half surprised you didn't see him last night, since you saw everyone and they're weird ethereal brothers to boot. And also other strangers.




No Reeve?... busy with work, perhaps?... You knew he held a pretty solid position, abused as he was, but maybe he had to work weekends sometimes. Who knows? Maybe.... Maybe Miss Shera? She gave you her number after dinner that night, and you'd been feeling more and more like she was a second mother to you.


She doesn't answer either.

You remember what Vanitas was saying last night. Bad things happen in threes. You could call Yuffie. She could reassure you, at least. Or... Vincent was right next door. Prompto downstairs. You could find someone—

"Let's go for a walk," you decide. Your chocobo from the festival joined Cait Sith and Mog in their spot in the living room. You grab Cait Sith instead, as he fits nicely in your bag, grab your keys, and head out.

...you run back in to grab Kairi's charm too. It feels like a day for it.


You didn't end up spending much gil at the fall festival, so maybe you could grab some ice cream. It's a nice day; probably one of the last few warm ones. You climb on the tram and see... Shera. What a comfort! You sit next to her, and she looks up, startled, but smiles and gives you a nice warm hug. Yeah, Shera's like a second mother.

You chat happily for awhile, until you glance down and spot... 'Lia Kisaragi,' written on the address of a very full envelope. "Miss Shera? You're sending something to..."

"Oh! You caught me!" She says. She looks embarrassed and fusses. "I'm actually headed to the post office— I got extra photos from yesterday, some clippings from the school papers, and thought I'd send them to your mother. I... Well, I would hate to be so far from a single one of my boys, but you're her only child, so I thought... I thought the happy photos of you would help her feel better."

"Oh... Th-thank you so much..." you murmur, looking down.

"Oh, oh dear... is it wrong? Should I not? I was second-guessing myself this morning, actually, that's why I'm so late doing it..."

"N-no! I think she'll love them!" You say. "Oh, but... Miss Shera, is the post office open on Sundays?"



In the end, Miss Shera decides to do some shopping, and send out the post another day. You didn't want to embarrass her further, but you did find it all very funny. She's so darn intelligent, but even she messes up simple things like this. As you walk down the strip towards the ice cream shop, you check your phone, hoping for a call back from... well, anyone. You're no longer worried about Miss Shera; her number was her landline, and she obviously wasn't home at the time. But you're looking forward to your Sunday call with your own mother.

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