Chapter 1: The Appeal Of Darkness//Fame, Fortune, And Fear

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Your lust for power began at the tender age of seven, when your father pulled you onto his lap and opened up the worn, leather-bound book he kept on his desk. It was his favorite book, forbidden for you to read until that moment. It was a war book of sorts, an adult book as he called it, which made it all the more special. He flipped through the book, scanning each page, until he came to a stop. Page 210. For years afterwards, you had that number memorized.

He pointed to the illustration on the page, the green metal band on his finger tapping against the paper, and asked you what you saw. The illustration was of a tall man wearing a crown and fancy clothing, sipping from a wine glass and sitting on a throne. Two men, much smaller and weaker looking, bowed at his feet. The man was pointing with his other hand at something unknown.

Something about the picture entranced you. There was something dark about the picture; the fear on the men's faces, the influence the King seemed to hold over them, the wealth the the King possessed as he stood over the poor looking men. Whatever it was, you fell in love with the picture almost instantly. But you weren't sure how to answer your father.

You didn't have to. He answered for you, eyes still trained on the page; "Power. What you're seeing is power. The men fear the King, and so they respect him. They do whatever he tells them. You can do so much with that power. You can have all the wealth and influence that you want. You just need people's fear."

Your fathers words rang in your head for months after this day. His statement had left you stunned. You wanted what the King in the picture had. That power, that respect, that wealth. Your father ripped the page out and gave it to you, and you slept with it under your pillow that night. The next morning, you asked him how you could be like the king. He picked you up, looked you in your eyes, and said simply and shortly, "Make everyone fear you."

And that was exactly what you planned to do. Except, you weren't sure how to do that. So you let it go. And then, on your tenth birthday, your parents told you a story. About a man named Voldemort. A man who had so much power that everyone was afraid to even say his name. He wanted to rule the wizarding world. And your parents had helped him. They had been two of his "Death Eaters", as they were called. He had everything you wanted. Power, fear, respect. So with eager eyes, you asked where he was.

Upon learning the story of Harry Potter, your dreams began to shatter. Voldemort had lost his power, and no one knew where he was. But, your parents were hopeful he would return. They, along with many other high-class pureblood families, like the Malfoy's, the Crabbe's, and the Goyle's, were waiting for his return. And, they told you, you would join them, as would the Malfoy's son, Draco, at the age of 17. You would help Voldemort come back and take control, and he would give you the power you craved.

This was the start of your lust for darkness. You were taught very quickly to keep it a secret that your family was loyal to the Dark Lord. You would have to wait until Voldemort was in power to be open with it. But that wasn't a problem. You preoccupied yourself with learning how to make others fear you. You desired to have people bow before you like how they did for the King in the picture. And so, you eagerly waited for your eleventh birthday, ready to come to Hogwarts and learn the magic that would help you achieve your dream.

And eventually, that birthday came and went, and you received your Hogwarts letter soon after. Now it was just a painful countdown to the day where you would board the Hogwarts express. You passed the time by working on your posture, your speaking habits, your clothing, and your attitude. You wanted to make the best impression for your family. You needed to be calm, cold, and poised. You needed to dress like you meant business, look at people like you knew their every thought, and talk like you were in control, because one day, you would be.

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