Chapter 3: The Weasley Twins// The Troll-Related Bonding Moment

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After a few weeks at Hogwarts, you slowly started to get used to everything; the various ghosts, the strange teachers, the annoying people. It felt almost like home already. Snape's potions class was by far your favorite. Your close friend group consisted of Draco, Pansy, Millicent, Crabbe, and Goyle. They were all surprisingly interesting in their own ways, although Crabbe and Goyle were dumb as rocks. After your semi-kind words to Weasley, he didn't glare you down nearly as much, but he didn't smile at you either, which was disappointing. He was less entertaining when he wasn't angry.

You also slowly adjusted to the noise of the dining hall and the sound of the other girls snoring in the bedroom. Soon enough, you couldn't eat or sleep without the ambience. You also had cemented yourself as someone to pay attention to; people never tried to mess with you, and usually did as you asked them too, which you liked very much. One day, you were eating lunch in the great hall with your back to the Gryffindor table, laughing with Pansy about an incident in Transfiguration, when you felt something hit you square in the back. You looked behind you to see that the two rude red-headed twins from the Sorting Ceremony had enchanted a carrot stick to hit you in the back.

The two boys were laughing their asses off, and high-fiving a kid you knew was named Lee. After a minute of staring, one of them noticed you were looking back at them, and sent you an innocent smile. You glared at him, and turned back to your friends. "I'll be right back, guys'. Watch my plate for me." Pansy and Millicent exchanged glances and smirked, knowing what was about to happen. You then set your fork down, leaned over and picked up the carrot stick from the floor, and got up. You walked over to the Gryffindor table and come to a stop beside the pair, who glanced up at you and grinned cheekily. "Can we help you, miss?" One of them said.

You were silent for a second, and then, without warning, you smashed the mushy carrot against the boy's head. "Oi! What the-" The first boy protested, and the one who hadn't spoken busted out laughing. "Wow, Georgie, it matches!" You then picked up another carrot from the second boy's plate, and smashed it against his head. He joined in the protesting, and the first boy pointed at him. "Ha! Karma can be a real bitch, aye Freddie?" They both wiped the carrot off of their foreheads and turned back to you.

"Guess we deserved that. Still, little much for just hitting you in the back with a carrot stick, aye?" "That was also for booing me at the ceremony. It was uncalled for. It didn't offend me, but it was rude. Learn some manners." By now most of the table was watching. Potter and Weasley were watching with open mouths-or, Potter was. Ron's was stuffed with potatoes. Fred grinned at you, and looked at his brother. "She might be a Slytherin, but I kinda like her, George." George nodded. "Feisty, for sure."

You frowned. "Don't disrespect me. Hit me with any kind of object again and you'll wish I was smashing carrots on your head as a punishment." You walked away, and the twins watched you, stunned. "Did we just get threatened by a 1st year, George?" "Awfully murderous for an 11 year old. She's kinda scary, isn't she, Fred?" You returned to your table, and sat down, immediately going back to eating. You looked up to see Pansy and Millicent staring at you. "What?" "That was awesome." Millicent nodded. "Yeah. They looked like they were gonna cream their pants." You rolled your eyes. "They're annoying. I'd take them on any day. Hey, do you guys smell something weird?"

Right as you said that, Professor Quirrell burst through the door, completely out of breath. "Troll-in the dungeons-thought you oughta know." He collapsed. Everyone started freaking out; Dumbledore ordered the prefects to lead the kids to their house dormitories. You followed the Slytherin prefects, but then spotted Ron and Harry making their way towards the girls bathroom. You raised an eyebrow. You weren't particularly afraid of trolls, as one had broken into your house when you were young and your father took it out quite easily, so you decided you'd rather follow them than go to the dorms.

You heard a high-pitched scream, and realized the troll was in the bathroom with Hermione. Harry and Ron stood in front of the door, and they both screamed. "Hermione!" They opened the door and ran in. You quickly ran to the door and followed them inside. Hermione was cowering near the wall, and Ron and Harry were trying to distract the troll. They spotted you. "Get Hermione!" Harry yelled. You nodded, and ran to Hermione, trying to pull her away and out of the bathroom so Ron and Harry could kill the troll. She wouldn't budge, paralyzed with fear, so you grabbed her by the shoulders and pushed her against the wall, standing in front of her with one arm out to keep her behind you, and your wand aimed at the troll in case it came towards you. You had to say, you were genuinely afraid, which was quite rare for you. Harry climbed up the trolls neck, and said the first spell that came to mind. "Wingardium Leviosa!" The club flew out of the trolls hand and hit it in the head, and it fell to the floor.

Your breathing slowly went normal, and you sighed in relief. Hermione spoke from behind you. "Is-is it dead?" Harry replied "I think it's just knocked out." Everyone in the room then looked straight at you. "What?" Ron looked suspicious. "How did you know to come in here? And why did you protect Hermione?" You shrugged. Harry glared at Ron. "Nows not the time for a fight, Ron. She did something nice. Leave her be." Ron glowered at the floor. Hermione looked at you with gratitude, and started to speak, but then Professor McGonagall burst in. Furious, she demanded explanations. She got one from Hermione, whom she took 5 points from and dismissed. She then gave Ron and Harry 5 points each for defeating a troll and protecting their friend.

Her attention then turned to you. "And what exactly was your reasoning for being here, miss (L/n)? You're not even in the same house as Mr. Potter and Weasley." You replied, trying to stay calm, "I'm sorry miss. I saw Weasley  and Potter heading this was and got concerned. It was stupid of me. I apologize." Harry spoke up. "She protected Hermione while we were fighting the troll, Professor." McGonagall was silent for a moment, assessing the situation, and sighed. "What you did was stupid. Don't put yourself in danger, next time. 2 points from Slytherin, but 5 point to Slytherin for being selfless. Now all of you get to bed, right this instant."

As you and the two boys left the restroom, they both turned to you. Harry spoke first. "You didn't have to help us, or listen to me. But you did. Why?" You smiled. "I don't know. Felt like it, I guess. You two are growing on me, anyway. Don't expect me to help next time, though." Harry grinned. "Wouldn't dream of it. Good night, (Y/n)." The corner of your mouth turned up. "Night, Harry." You waved, and walked back towards the Slytherin dorms. The boys watched you go. "Guess I don't get a goodnight, then." "You did get mad at her back there for helping Hermione." "She wasn't exactly nice to me before that, was she? Have you forgotten the train ride? Also, she just called you Harry. What's with the first names all of a sudden?" Harry laughed. "Aw, do you not feel special to her anymore, Ron?" "Shut up."

Note: After this, I'm skipping to second year. Nothing else eventful happens in first year, you don't help Harry with Quirrell. Next chapter soon.

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