Chapter 4: The Arrogant Professor//The Bullied Boy

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"Are you all right, (Y/n)?" Pansy Parkinson looked at you, concerned. Your eyes had been scanning the Gryffindor table, and you hadn't spoken during the ceremony at all. You snapped from your daze and glanced at her, giving her a faint response. "Huh? Yes, I'm fine. Thank you for asking." But you were frowning. Where the hell are Potter and Weasley?

The red-head and the bespectacled boy were nowhere to be seen, even though the sorting hat ceremony was almost over. The bushy haired girl they usually sat with, Hermione, looked just as confused, confirming that this wasn't normal, and was stressfully looking towards the doors every few seconds, clearly hoping they would come through them any second. You hadn't noticed them on the train either, come to think of it.

You didn't particularly cared for their well-being, but it was odd for them to be late on the first day of the school year. You felt bad for Hermione; as annoying as you found her; the poor thing had those idiots to deal with. No wonder she was so pushy. Just as you were starting to wonder if they had died, you glanced over towards one of the far away windows, noticed a flash of red and black, and narrowed your eyes, straining to see the window from far away.

Sure enough, Weasley and Potter were peering in from outside. Why they were doing this, you had no clue, and you didn't want to know. It was probably stupid, anyway. How no one else had spotted them was beyond you. You noticed a tall figure standing behind the two boys, unbeknownst to them, since their attention was on the sorting ceremony. You glanced up towards the staff table. Sure enough, Professor Snape's chair was empty. Getting caught by Snape. Great way to start the year, idiots.

A slight grin spread across your face at the thought of the look on their faces when Snape revealed himself. Deciding you had to get a better look, you mumbled a spell that your mother had taught you under your breath; you closed your eyes, and when you opened them, you were standing outside, right next to the two boys. Not literally, anyway. You were physically still in the dining hall. But your vision and hearing had been transported to the outside; you could hear and see everything without being seen or caught.

You grinned upon seeing the pair. They had gotten slightly taller, and looked slightly older. The two boys were talking amongst themselves, eyes locked on the first years. Harry's brow furrowed. "There's an empty chair at the staff table..where's Snape?" Really? You're just now noticing? Idiots. Of course, you could see why they disliked Snape. He was unfair to anyone who wasn't a Slytherin, and this was especially true for Ron and Harry. He took points away for absolutely everything.

You liked Snape, though. He shared your love for potions and for the capability of darkness they carried. The lust for blood and for power that you had been raised with, and the appreciation for the dark arts. He gave you points for absolutely everything. He seemed to despise Potter and Weasley, though. Snape, as a matter of fact, stood behind them still, a flat, unamused look on his face as the two boys wondered where Snape was.

"Maybe he's sick!" Ron sounded..hopeful, to say the least. "Maybe he's left, because he's missed out on the Defense Against the Dark Arts job again!" Snape's face went even darker. That was a sore spot for sure. "Maybe he got sacked! I mean, everyone hates him-" "Or maybe, he's waiting to hear why you two didn't arrive on the school train." The two boys froze, and you would have killed to have a picture of the look on their faces. The two boys whipped around to face Snape, who was grinning maliciously. "Follow me."

The two boys followed him away from the window, presumably to be seen by Dumbledore later on. You could have swore Snape glanced in your direction, but figured that was impossible; you were invisible. Bored, you closed your eyes again, repeated the spell, and opened them again to the warm, well-lit dining hall. Food was now on the table. Pansy was staring at you. "Are you alright? You had your eyes closed for a few minutes there." You nodded. "Yeah, I'm fine. Tired."

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